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Everything posted by Gerli

  1. I think the only way to deal with a main fleet is exploiting the cultural shock but from inside... likely infiltrating the fleet and start pumping culture (songs and erotic media) among the soldiers to undermine moral and unity. Then a culture shock attack may be worth the risk
  2. Thanks Seto for sharing these "Hidden gems" with us. Drinks on me if someday we meet somewhere in this planet šŸ‘
  3. To me It's painfully clear; HG WANTS his crappy brand "Robotech" to be ALWAYS mentioned/associated with Macross and will do ANYTHING to force that into the rest of the world. They are nefarious. Peace was never an option.
  4. Probably not.
  5. So... the guys from Toy Galaxy did get away with it, but not this guy? frakk HG.
  6. Stellar Singer=Emulators So easy...
  7. So yes, but no and also yes.
  8. Project Valkyrie (The Argentinian Fan-Film) DID ask first...
  9. Chapter #4 of "Cannon Fodder" is now On-Line Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/story/269117459-carne-de-caĆ±Ć³n Fanfiction.Net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13876119/1/Carne-de-CaĆ±Ć³n In Spanish
  10. It would be amazing if she appears too... a celebration to all fans
  11. Dana's hair color in robotech is now canon Kawamori es usted diabĆ³lico....
  12. I always wonder if the Northampton Frigates and other spaceship of that size can land on planets or are made only for use in space... We saw some Zentradi ships landed on Frontier, so maybe they have some kind of landing gear...?
  13. I like it! It has a lot better composition than the last one... Well done!
  14. Star Citizen is Free to Play until Next Week https://robertsspaceindustries.com/promotions/314-Free-Fly
  15. https://twitter.com/banditloaf/status/1419868427443974154?s=20
  16. Awesome!
  17. Chapter #3 of "Cannon Fodder" is now On-Line Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/story/269117459-carne-de-caĆ±Ć³n Fanfiction.Net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13876119/1/Carne-de-CaĆ±Ć³n In Spanish
  18. Ā”Oficial Subs in Spanish! BigWest Sempai has notice us, the LatinAmerican fans.
  19. Got Gamepass and started Nier: Automata, because 2B is too cute.
  20. And crypto. So.... MacCoins?
  21. So... is BigWest going to do something or...?
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