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Everything posted by Gerli

  1. Nah, igual no hay mucha actividad por estos lados del foro. Despues te mando algunas preguntas del viaje por privado. Saludos!!!
  2. That's why I don't translate my FanFic: my english is very basic Anyway, this is pretty cool; all the planets are in reality CUBES rendered as spheres.... Mind=Blow
  3. Hey, al menos viste los 18 capitulos antes de omitir tu opinión. muchos vieron el 1er capitulo y se la pasaron repitiendo como loros lo mismo desde entonces. Tu punto devista es válido y respetable aunque en mi caso no lo comparto; creo que la historia es muy interesante y todavia puede resultar una sorpresa lo que vaya a pasar hacia el final. Por cierto yo estoy planeando viajar a Japon el año que viene, dudo que me lo encuentre al Sensei Kawamori, pero si hay alguna expo de Macross en alguna parte de la isla para la fecha, seguro me desvio lo que tenga que desviarme para ir allí.
  4. I know that... from a Smurfs chapter were a new Smurf is born when the moon is blue or something like that.. anyway, the game was leaked in PS4 and people are watching videos and some guy made it to the center of the galaxy/universe and found Rick Hunter there...no really, they liked the game.
  5. Strings for his guitar?
  6. Chapter 85 EPUB (Google Books y E-Readers) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_DOFdZyWXfyWTJaWlM1OXNzSWs/view?usp=sharing Fanfiction.net http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8885775/85/Chatarra Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/69527719-chatarra In Spanish
  7. Nope, they said the Galaxy is too big, chances to cross paths with another human are.... VERY low.... however, if you (Luckyly?) find a "discovered" planet along your jorney you can try follow that explorer trail or keep going another way.
  8. I'm triggered
  9. True. Some guys are comparing it with Spore. I don't know... let's give it a try.
  10. I just preordered No Man's Sky Someone else exited for this game?
  11. Gerli

    Wip vf-1j

  12. Chapter 84 EPUB (Google Books y E-Readers) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_DOFdZyWXfyWTJaWlM1OXNzSWs/view?usp=sharing Fanfiction.net http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8885775/84/Chatarra Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/69527719-chatarra In Spanish
  13. How much screwed are you now? I'm 37 so I'm likely be an very old man dropping white ash around the house... Damn brats and their flashing Runes!
  14. Someone needs to make a shacking GIF from this image and add the "DECULTURE INTENSIFIES" title
  15. Welcome! Your art is FANTASTIC! I love it!!!
  16. He must had defective genes, his hands were tiny even after he was macronized on these chambers.
  17. A mi no me molesta que haya un capitulo sin robots, total al fin y al cabo Macross es tambien sobre los personajes y a veces es lindo que se centren en las relaciones y conflictos de los pilotos, no solo de las máquinas. Ademas... ultimamente las coreografias aereas se estaban estancando un poco, a ver si tras la pausa tenemos algo mas de acción; la NUNS ya deberia estar organizando una contraofensiva a gran escala, para mi van a mandar IA's a atacar.
  18. Es impresionante lo que levantó la serie con respecto a los primeros capítulos... y después del ultimo... no se, Lo del triangulo parece cocinadisimo ¿Nos sorprenderá Kawamori?
  19. ¿Mechas in Bikini? Not my fetish but.... Maybe if someone gives her a Q-Rau to fly... Lady M?
  20. It's a very special case. The guy is disabled so he backed the game to play with VR, but until now the game don't support the tech so the guy gets tired of waiting and asked for a refund. because he never downloaded the client he was right in claiming it. Everythiing is OK then, the problem are the changes they made to the TOS to negate refunds to those who played the different modules of the game. A lot of people is pissed and some groups (Goons) are boicoting the project. I'm not worry about the game itself, I'm pretty sure they will deliver it when it's done.
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