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Everything posted by Gerli

  1. No one was minding the store anyway
  2. Chapter 155 Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/69527719-chatarra EPUB (Google Books y E-Readers) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_DOFdZyWXfyWTJaWlM1OXNzSWs/view?usp=sharing In Spanish
  3. I'm kinda regret that the Robotech Academy failed the funding back then... imagine all the trouble they can have now if they failed that too.
  4. ..until 2021 Then they will join together in the same ditch
  5. Clearly they wait for the moment the rights expire... what an a-holes
  6. I hope they sued them for all the money stolen/spent on nothing. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/rrpgt/robotech-rpg-tacticstm/posts/2120399
  7. >Change the Topic's Title to avoid Conflict. Clever Girl
  8. Me Gusta
  9. Google did have this one... but it's from 2010.
  10. Holy Forum-Necromancy! Edit: What kind of monstrosity are you guys talking about? The pictures are long gone and I'm getting curious
  11. Sharon Apple reference?
  12. This comic is some kind of Whitewashing attempt against Macross?
  13. Chapter 154 Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/69527719-chatarra EPUB (Google Books y E-Readers) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_DOFdZyWXfyWTJaWlM1OXNzSWs/view?usp=sharing In Spanish
  14. Nada nada...
  15. Chapter 153 Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/69527719-chatarra EPUB (Google Books y E-Readers) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_DOFdZyWXfyWTJaWlM1OXNzSWs/view?usp=sharing In Spanish
  16. I feel the same regarding my Macross Fanfiction.
  17. A swarm of Basara clones.... yeah no thanks.
  18. Like in The Ride?
  19. Chapter 152 Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/69527719-chatarra EPUB (Google Books y E-Readers) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_DOFdZyWXfyWTJaWlM1OXNzSWs/view?usp=sharing In Spanish
  20. Man, quiero el Cam-Rip de la pelicula de Delta aunque sea...! Esta sequía no se aguanta mas!
  21. Chapter 151 Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/69527719-chatarra EPUB (Google Books y E-Readers) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_DOFdZyWXfyWTJaWlM1OXNzSWs/view?usp=sharing In Spanish
  22. There is a unoficial Chrome extension called "F*ck Youtube" that can disable region lock and all the other bullsh*t
  23. Este año estrenan la serie nueva del Kawa ¿No? Esa de Pandora o como se llame...
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