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Everything posted by Gerli

  1. No Robotech movie in China is a big NO NO for Hollywood.... the few investors that left in the project are fleeing right now with this news
  2. Lima, Perú.
  3. They set the bar so high that 10 year of development it's like the minimum they need.
  4. Still amazed that this is more or less a Tech Demo...
  5. Nice work!
  6. Chile and Argentina, it was Cloudy in Buenos Aires so we only watch as everything go dark and because it was just at dusk time, everything was red, then black then red again... amazing.
  7. Chapter 22 The mission is... complete? Time to leave the City https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13104213/19/Folded-Dreams In Spanish
  8. Probably they just make him a real woman just to be sure.
  9. At least Kawamori was cool with that... (Just kiding, bad Photoshop is bad)
  10. Chapter 21 The girls go to the forest for Exp and Loot https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13104213/19/Folded-Dreams In Spanish
  11. Agree... Also I hope for a New Macross game for the new consoles but.... maybe?
  12. No Bethesda... what are you doing...? leave Commander Keen Alone... he's too innocent... no... STAHP Bethesda!!! Nooooooooo!
  13. Macross Delta on Cartoon Network? Why not?
  14. Even with small merchandising, manga or a couple of toys... with HG out of the picture maybe we can see some Macross products being sold locally in the small markets. South america is a growing market for manga/anime, hell, we even had a "The Promised Neverland" Manga release with a freaking Termo and Mate for the Argentinian market...!
  15. We already have an Event planned for the Spanish community on Facebook in March 21 2021
  16. BigWest was authorized for File the Macross Trademark in the UK Just a Tweet, no official sources yet. Edit: This seems legit: https://trademarks.ipo.gov.uk/ipo-tmcase/page/Results/1/UK00003235006 Edit Didn't see the thread, sorry for doublposting
  17. Today's Shingeki no Kyojin Episode was Incredible... AoTY Indeed.
  18. Y bueno... a esperar mas novedades y fecha de estreno ahora.
  19. Sorry I can't resist Yeah... it's gonna be a veeeery long story.
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