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Maiden Japan

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Everything posted by Maiden Japan

  1. Here's some of my collections. Macross 7 large size badge, non-licenced small badges, Battroid pins, Macross logo pins, Robotech two pack pins set, Macross Pachinko promo strap w/ metal figures, Macross Pachinko promo charms.
  2. Thanks for bringing at DYRL screening party. It was nice to see the actual piece in person. A fantastic work!
  3. It was a nice meet-up and good time hung around with. A couple of nice display pieces of Thunder Hammer and custom 1/24 scale VF-1S head. The Bru-ray movie was fantastic and also got to play the PS3 game which was also good. I would love to get that Blu-ray set.
  4. I just want to make sure about these following items are at the place, or someone have to bring in; Paper plates Paper cups Napkins Ice cubes
  5. I do not have the setlist, but she did not perform Universal Bunny for the LA show.
  6. Fantastic photos, DarrinG !
  7. An absolute fantastic show! I got to see her in front row. The best $40 I ever spent. She sang four songs from Macross. Diamond Crevasse was just amazing.
  8. Door will be open in 2 hours. Where's everybody?
  9. Going Tonight!
  10. From Tenjin Hidetaka's Twitter pics He actually worked on putting details on that life size VF-25
  11. Scratch building a head guard for TF Universe Inferno figure. It is made of styrene sheet, pipe, and actual G1 parts that's modified. Now it's more like old G1 style.
  12. Bludgeon custom upgrade kit finished
  13. R.I.P. Ishiguro-san. Thank you for bringing us many wonderful robot anime.
  14. I'm working on a custom upgrade kit for Transformers figure. They are add-on G1 style chest and leg armor pieces for ROTF Bludgeon. They will be available for sale in a few weeks. LMK if you're interested.
  15. Has any member here purchased like these hand made wood model sold on ebay? I'm tempted to purchase but not sure about finish quality. Do you recommend?
  16. You should make a connectable Beta Fighter after you finish this Legioss. I know you can do it! (^^) Great work!!
  17. Very close to what I was sketch designing/ pending for the next line of Macross toys.
  18. Thanks guys for all your kind words. They mean a lot to me. ...Now I got lot of times to work on my personal project...
  19. It is very sad to say that I'm out of Toynami. Thank you very much for your support for all these years!
  20. Possible Max / Milia variants? Yummmm!!
  21. This is a business trade show, not a toy convention where you go in and buy figures.
  22. Any pictures of exhibit room and contest entries?
  23. This is so cool! There's not many opportunity to see all these collection display at one place. I specially liked the Mask collection.
  24. Glaug is still pending. F@#%☆&g economy.
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