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Maiden Japan

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Everything posted by Maiden Japan

  1. Actually it does have sound chip inside. I built in a voice recorder/speaker just below the chest. There is a button on top of the chest, and Optimus speaks out. I can record whatever phrases I want; from the tv show or movies.
  2. Teaser shots. Please note that this is not the final paint finish. I will add shadowing, washing, and drybrushing to these parts later. I'm going to post the pictures of final finish of this piece when I get back from the Botcon contest. See you at the con!
  3. Optimus Primered ! All modelings are done, and it is ready for painting. I will see you back in a week.
  4. Update on 24 inch Optimus Prime; This time I add real working lights on roof top, and I made the MATRIX !!
  5. Nice work there GT, of all those GM variations I like the spartan as well. One day I will custon build just like these. By the way, these are build by somebody else.
  6. I think I'll do Starscream.
  7. New update of the 24 inch Optimus Prime. This time I worked on head and gun. Chech it out!!
  8. Latest update of 24 inch Optimus Prime. Now you can see it transformed into truck mode. It is still incomplete, and there will be more details to be added.
  9. A few updates for my Optimus prime project; I worked on detalis around arms, and side of legs.
  10. Thanks MT and all you guys for comments. The show and the model contest in about two months, and all of your comments give me great motivation. I really appreciated.
  11. A small update for 24 inch Optimus Prime; I added an Autobot ensignia on the shoulder.
  12. Thanks for the kind comments. Question to EXO, where in the section do you want me to put this topic separatery?
  13. I made those fingers from scratch. I used bondo putties and styrene sheets just like I did with rest of the body. I only made one set of finger ( top, medium, and bottom part ) then I made a silicone mold, and casted them in resin. All individual fingers are connected with aluminum wire.
  14. I'm back !! Update of 24 inch Optimus Prime project; I worked on arms with fully articulated fingers.
  15. Update on 24 inch Optimus Prime project: Now the wheels are done, so that I installed them on legs. I wanted to make double-wheels like the real trucks, but none of the toys of Optimus prime have this feature that I know. So I may be the first one to get this look. I also worked on upper body. You can see there are sliding hatches on top of body where the head goes in.
  16. Update on 24 inch Optimus Prime project; One problem I had was that I needed tires for this big guy. I looked around some shops to see if I can find something, but I could not find the right size. So that I had no choice but to scratch built myself. I made one original from styrene sheet and bondo putty. It was pain in the a$$ carving all those patterns on the tread. After that I made silicone mold, and casted them in resin.
  17. Update on 24 inch Optimus Prime project; I worked on hip areas adding armors on all four sides.
  18. Thanks MT, your Daedalus looks great too. Keep up your work !!
  19. Update on 24 inch Optimus Prime project: I added hip joints and more details on legs. And as requested I put it next to original G1 and MP Optimus Prime.
  20. It is from Generation one, with my own original design. I added more parts to the legs. And this time I took picture with a Coke can, so that you can see the actual size.
  21. Update on 24 inch Optimus Prime project. Adding knee joints and detail on legs.
  22. Let me show you guys some of the tools I'm using. To cut the styrene sheet use exacto blade, cut about halfway deep then carefully bend the sheet in half. you can also use small hobby saw by Tamiya. To make the panel lines I use this plastis scriber by Tamiya, and etching saw by Hasegawa ( the small triange piece) Those square things that stacked are sanding sponges. They are perfect sanding on rounded surface.
  23. You'll see. Here's a progress. I am planning to enter this to this year's Botcon.
  24. I am scratch building a 24 inch Optimus Prime made out of styrene sheets.
  25. MPC Maia recall http://www.robotech.com/news/viewarticle.php?id=383
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