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Maiden Japan

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Everything posted by Maiden Japan

  1. Should I paint this one in green, or brown.....hmmmmm decision, decision I can't wait!!
  2. Kamikaze VF-Zero!!
  3. I like metallic red paint finish.
  4. There was CF 1S toy done by Banpresto as an option head along with 1J type head. These pics are from gallery section.
  5. Great Collection!! Thanks for supporting Toynami!
  6. I have some old large size Ohsato cards that I want to share with you. So far these cards are not shown on galleries, nor anywhere on other websites as I know.
  7. Hey EXO, how about I design something like this with more modern and updated style. I think I can do it.
  8. I came up with different ideas to show you guys. What I did was that I removed those rubber tops then I drilled a hole to insert an aluminum shaft. I drilled a same hole to each figures then I placed on the base. I can use same methods to display my Gundam kits instead of using their display stand kits.
  9. It is not a custom, it is an original first test shot from the factory along with my original prototype sculptures and pencil drafts. My name is Daisuke and those are all of my works at Toynami. I brought those pieces to show people how that toy is made. Unlike Bandai, Takara, or Yamato where they design most of their toys in CAD designs on computer then digitally output them on some special machine. We at Toynami was not capable of that technology at the time. I sculped every pieces by hand, using styrene sheets and bondo putties as such, and that's what you see in those gray pieces in picture. After I finished all sculpting I molded each pieces in silicone, then casted them in resin and put together for pant sample. Then we made a set of castings and was sent to Aoshima Company in Japan which helped us engineering for making the injection mold. And that yellow piece is the first test shot from the injection mold produced in factory in China. Did that answer your question?
  10. Ahhhhggggaaaa!!!!&$@&$&@!?! I knew I should have gone for 2nd day to see all those awesome customs!!
  11. I want to say thank you to KiriK, EXO, and all staffs for bringing out this event. This was my first attending of MWCon, and I had a very good time. It was nice to meet many MW members and see cool displays. I'm so happy that lots of people loved my Optimus, and got an opportunity to transform it front of everyone. I wanted to attend 2nd day to see custom model contest, but unfortunatelly I could not go. I have to get stuffs ready for San Diego Comic Con. Anyway I'm already planning for next year's MWCon with another BIG custom project, and it is Macross related this time. I hope to see you again.
  12. Some pics from Anime Expo
  13. Madox!? I have really cool Madox piece that I custom built and I want to bring it for display. I built it almost 20 years ago, it is entirely made out of paper. And I'll bring my big ass Optimus Prime as well.
  14. Now it is outside of my workbench, I took my 24 inch Optimus Prime to the street of LA!! I'm just having fun.
  15. That is correct. That's the same display from SDCC last year.
  16. Let me show you my 1/100 scale Macross hanger I built last year. Just to help you out with some ideas.
  17. And this year's Comic-Con is sold out. So if anybody want to get tickets now, it's too late.
  18. Yes, Kawamori-san was involved in design of Optimus prime-battle Convoy and many other robots from Diaclone series. In 2006, he designed Hybrid-Style Convoy figure for Takara.
  19. Los Angeles, California!
  20. How do you know where I live?
  21. Is it ok to bring my 24 inch Optimus Prime to MW Con? I know it's not Macross related, but EXO insisted me so...
  22. Ok, I will take this Optimus to MW Con. I'll do the registration as soo as I finish this post. I may bring some surprize item with me....may be
  23. Thank you everyone. I truly enjoyed this project, and very happy to add a new prize to my collection. I want to show you pictures of Optimus Prime before shadowing and weathering. I actually had a very difficult decision if I should weather this or keep it clean and shiny for the contest. But my goal was to make this a realistic look, so I decided to add weathering. What you guys think?
  24. I just got back from Botcon show and it was a blast! Got autographs from peter Cullen, played Guitar Hero with Stan Bush singing next to me, oh, and I met Solscud and he was little surprised to know who I am. But the best of all I won the grand prize "The Best of Show" for my 24 inch Optimus Prime. Well this project is all done now, I will start next project which I really don't know what. May be 24 inch Starscream...or Macross II... we'll see.
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