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Maiden Japan

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Everything posted by Maiden Japan

  1. Count me in. I'm going with Nightmare.
  2. Hey Nightmare, would you like to sell me some of your extra Valks from your collection?
  3. Heavy Artillery Battlepod is now preorder at Big Bad Toy Store http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product...amp;picture=out Note; the picture is a prototype. Actual product will have decals printed on figure.
  4. Before we go down any further on this poll thread, I want everyone to clearly understand that the result of this pole does not necessary mean that we're going release in those order. The whole purpose of this poll is just to see how much fans are interested on each character. And also I want you to understand is that in order to continue our vinyl collection toy line, we need everybody's support to buy our Battle Pod figure. And after we see a good sales on that figure then we can make a go sign and start designing the next figure.
  5. It is very common that you see many different toy packages from different toy companies that picture on package is different from actual product inside. This figure was orginally designed for full articulation in plastic/PVC material. But after we received production quote from our factory that cost was too expensive. That picture was taken at the time when it still had knee joints, but in a time when we're in a process of making the package design, it was too late to exchange photo for final production version. We had to decide if we going to cansell this project, or make in different material. So that we decided to make it simple and less parts in vinly. And that's how this toy came out.
  6. Hmmm.. I see many people request Gosu from Mospeada. Was this character made before (Wonder Fest kits?), or would it be the first time if we make.
  7. Very interesting results so far. I thought it is going to be a two way battle between Glauge and Queadluun. But I see people are interested in Mospeada Invids also, and it is tie in second place as of now. I will continue watching...
  8. Thanks Graham
  9. I would like to know what fans want for our next line of Robot vinyl collection. This pole will help determine the next figure that I'm designing for that series. We'll keep the price in $25 range, so it will be just like a Battle pod (Regult) in terms of size and articulation. If you have any other suggestions Please let me know. Thank you.
  10. Here's a comparison picture I originally posted on Mospeada thread
  11. I hear you. Seriously, we could have done with much more feature on this toy with much lower cost if we produced in 2003. But the cost of material, production molds, and labors have gone up significantly that it is very difficult to make toys with low price range. Plus this item is not mass produced for mass retailers therefore each unit cost is slightly high compare to other similar types of mass production toys.
  12. Can you be more specific that how much more detail were you expected? Did you wanted more panel lines? More decal markings? More articulations? We tried to keep it simple, and low costs to produce these items. Any of these additional paintings, or tampo printings reflect the cost of making and eventually more cost for buyers. We tried to keep $25 retail price for this item, and this is the best we can do. If you were looking for super articulated ABS and die-cast toy, then it's a whole different category.
  13. One quick note; those large cannons are ball jointed.
  14. Here's one interesting pic. We had these plans few years ago, but never got a chance.
  15. We never released Morpher Alpha Rand. You do not count MPC Cyclones?
  16. It reminded me of these "goya" plants in Japan
  17. Here's the size comparison with Revoltech. Final product will have tampo printing, and the figure will be semi-gloss finish.
  18. Does the movie Devilman count as Sci-Fi? That movie was so horrible and totally unwatcheable for both storywise and actingwise.
  19. Very nice work!! I want to see some pictures of bottom side if you can post them.
  20. FANTASTIC!! Congratulation. Exellent job!!
  21. That Shadow Beta Fighter is a prototype sample which we used at convention events. There are only three pieces in the entire world right now. By the way, I was so happy to see the picture of my 24 inch Optimus Prime used in the speial feature section of Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Blu-ray set.
  22. 1. That Voltron is the first original digitally outputted MPC Voltron, but it has less detail and slight different in proportion from the final product. 2. That Ravage statue is by Hard Hero. I picked that one for $20 at comic convention. 3. My 24 inch Optimus Prime is in my office room at work right now. There is no space to put that big ass figure in my bed room.
  23. And here's look at my work shop. You see the white 24 inch Optimus Prime still work in progress
  24. My main collections are Transformers, Gundam, and of course Macross. Only thing I hate is to clear dusts every once awhile.
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