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Maiden Japan

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Everything posted by Maiden Japan

  1. Awesome surfboard, lol Great job!
  2. We're not 100 percent sure that the new Arcadia version uses parts of existing Yamato's mold, but looking at their picture of prototype sample it seems that arm mold is exactly the same shape as Yamato version. I'll make a modify update if it's necessary.
  3. Just got back from the con. There were many attendees, and staffs were doing superb jobs on organizing the event. It was great to see Mari Iijima, Tenjin, and Nonaka san. Also nice meeting with many of board members and I had a great fun. I thank Bee and all of other guys that made this a finest event, and I look forward for the next year's.
  4. I cast several of these kit and will be available for purchase at MWcon. Please see the link for price and more. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=40038
  5. I made a color variant example for 20th Anniversary version.
  6. The beige color I custom mixed using my Tamiya paints. You just tell me for which color to paint when the time I take commission orders from you guys. I will also going to offer unpainted kit for less, for those of you like to custom paint yourself.
  7. I finally got time to do a quick paint up. This is not the final coloring for production, and I might change a few things. Please enjoy!
  8. Mold is now done and got the first casting out, looks pretty good. Got to cast some more for painting.
  9. You want for both arms ?! That would be sick! For that case I have to design a separate adapter clip for left arm. But then it won't able to hold the shield though, if that's okay.
  10. I see many of other guys had this idea one way or the other. I thought of making it with fully functional hinges and slide open and stuff, but I knew it will be too complicated and not going to stay sturdy. So I decided to design in solid pieces and choose to build either open or close mode. Right now I'm in process of mold making and casting. Color sample will be posted soon, and will announce the price also for those interested.
  11. Thanks guys. I love to see others take on this design as well. It was quite difficult challenge because there are not any clear line art from the style guide, so you have to figure out size dementions and come up with inside detail that you don't see from the screen.
  12. Day 2 of the project. I guess almost finish on designing. Now I'm going to apply primer and final cleaning up. Then I'm going to lay these up on clay and start making a mold. As this accessory kit will only going to fit on Yamato's 1/60 version, all I need to change is a design on the attchment adapter for fitting on upcoming Arcadia version. There shouldn't be any size issue.
  13. I was planning to make this weapon accessory for a long time.(arm is removed for working purpose) I just started making this from styrene materials and polyester putty. It is designed for simple attachment. Hopefully I can finish up and display at MWCon.
  14. They didn't change Arm armor, is not the TV design. It's straight recolor from Strike pack movie version.
  15. Very cool display, DarrinG! I love the missile firing effect on "my" Beta Fighter. Hopefully they release Shadow Beta Fighter so you could add to your collection.
  16. A bit taller because it has a cannon on top. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=98793
  17. Pictures from TOYARK at Toynami booth That Graug figure is sitting in their office since 2010...... http://news.toyark.com/2013/07/18/sdcc-2013-toynami-display-94481
  18. This kit is not all snap-together. It requires glueing on some parts including pilot figure. http://www.1999.co.jp/image/10221370z/70/1 A full instruction sheet posted on Hobby Search http://www.1999.co.jp/10221370
  19. Parts and assembly from digitamin blog; http://ameblo.jp/digitamin/entry-11560888526.html
  20. Truly an amazing work! I never thought this was constructed mostly by using wood material. The proportion is very precise and sharp detailing. This is totally inspiring workmanship. Awesome! May be you can try a same Valkyrie, but all made with wood and just varnished and unpainted. That would be sick.
  21. I just got back from the convention. I think this is the best MWcon that we had! I'd like to thank Bee, Tony, and every members that produced this wonderful event. I also thank the special guest Mari for song performance. It was nice that we had some dealers and vendors this time. There were even cooler and lots of rare items on display. I got to meet a lot of people and I truly had a good time. I look forward for next year's convention hopefuly at the same place.
  22. I'm bringing several toys and collectibles for sale, but I'm only putting them on the vendor's table for an hour after the door open at 11. I accept Paypal for any purchases.
  23. My ongoing projects for custom Transformers accessories. This time I sculpted a gun for Universe Prowl mold. The sculpture is made of styrene sheet, rods, and some plastic thruster parts. The part is silicone molded and casted in resin. PM me if you're interested.
  24. Ah, there's my old Beta Fighter sample. That was a very early resin mock-up and I was still working on design for cockpit. I was deciding if I should design the cockpit to be removable to swap to flat looking chest block piece(as seen in pictire) for robot mode. But came in a decision not to use alternate chest piece for cost reason. If any of you want those upgrade kits made, then I should do it myself to take care my unfinished business.
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