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Everything posted by bigkid24

  1. the only time I get pissed is when someone steals my avatar and uses it on the same board as me. WTF?! You have no originality that you need to steal the pic that's supposed to be my individual stamp on my posts? Lame.
  2. I was about to say, Kakizaki gets the shaft again. No stand for him!
  3. That's pretty funny.
  4. I want the coasters that they talk about in the fine print.
  5. Link? I can only find snippets of the episode. I find it funny that all these women come out of the woodwork for the convenience of the story since we've never seen them before.
  6. bigkid24

    1/48 GBP-1S Set

    *ahem* Well for anyone else that doesn't have a GBP and is planning on attending MW Con this year. MW member Smiley424 just donated one to be used as a prize! I'm just saying.....
  7. actually I thought ebay pulled out of japan because yahoo auctions was kicking its ass.
  8. Dunno where the base came from but the stand part is definitely from the clear Bandai gundam stand.
  9. bigkid24

    Yamato stands

    Is that a ball joint under the VF-11?
  10. I forgot about niubniub's dioramas. I used to drool over those years ago. Your stuff is great but I think I might use some of this stuff for my GI Joes or something since the colors are so vibrant on the stickers.
  11. bigkid24

    VF Girls

    I haven't been in this thread for a while but it's pretty damn sweet. The Misa, the Koala Zentran, and that nice Frontier pic are great.
  12. Yes, all the pilots had visors.
  13. I remember seeing these at F&S. Thought it was funny that the genre of RC car was coming back. I didn't pick it up but I'd be interested to here a comparison about them too.
  14. I liked the original Star Wars line when it first came out with vehicles and whatnot but as these figures evolve I feel like they've gotten away from what made them great in the first place. They started as simple little guys with not too much detail but decent little gimmicks, but now I feel like there's too much detail to them. (I think Kubricks have gone the same way.) Not to mention the increased price point.
  15. From my fiance I got an electric razor From my animepunch secret santa I got the LEGO troll assault wagon http://shop.lego.com/ByTheme/Product.aspx?...cn=473&d=70 From another circle of friends secret santa I got Wall-E on DVD and the Bro Code.
  16. I was wondering if the old v.1 GBP would fit. How much modding did it take?
  17. HTS has been the best thing to happen to me as a joe collector....well as long as it's at least 20% off with free shipping.....
  18. This looks like the quality equivalent of the DOA movie.
  19. QFT. This is pretty much what I going to post. The main things being that we need to compare Yen prices over the years and not USD prices that domestic sellers charge. I don't see Yamato as greedy at all. If a company doesn't profit from their products what's the point of being in business? Sure they are milking the VF-1 mold but at least their releases make sense. If you want to call a company greedy for price gouging and milking molds then I would point the finger at TakaraTomy or Hasbro. How many times have we seen G1 Optimus Prime reissued? And the price of the 25th anniversary Prime at $69.99 is ridiculous especially since all they did was add a dvd, voice box, and comic.
  20. First time I've seen the trailer. Interesting.
  21. In the past when I've brought this idea up it was shot down due to the fact that Macross is considered a mech first type of show so the logic is manufacturers don't want to production character figures. But I think the success of the CMS line has proven that line of logic incorrect.
  22. Did anyone mention the Karate Kid remake? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1155076/
  23. MP Grimlock is supposed to be in scale with G1 Prime.
  24. When is the olive Tomahawk supposed to come out? I understand that Yamato needs to sell a couple of different versions of the mold but can we at least get through the rest of the destroids before doing repaints? If this comes out before the defender I think a lot of people will have to choose olive versus original.
  25. I'll just say this...some of you guys will be very happy and some of you guys will be mildly disappointed. The main thing to keep in mind is that it does pick up right after Casino Royale so there's not going to be much change towards the old familiar movie Bond.
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