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Everything posted by bigkid24

  1. Yeah saw him the other day but part of what was so appealing to me about Sideswipe was the simple silver paint job. Something about the red looks weird on that mold. I keep seeing people on TF boards complaining about not finding Scalpel. Are people really that keen on spending $9 on a toy that small?
  2. I have the old matchbox one...just missing the red ship that goes in front and a bootleg set but I would still buy a Dairugger XV. But I would only shell out for the cheaper plastic version of it. I don't want him so badly that I'm willing to pay MPC prices of $150 for him. And yes he would need some articulation at the hips, knees, elbows, and wrist at the very least.
  3. Well the transforming contest is a returner from last year, and the customs contest is a mainstay of the con dating back I think since the con began. Nice to see the live drawing contest worked out so well. That's one that I was hoping to see in person. Keep the suggestions coming so we can make next year's even better!
  4. Woohoo! Didn't anyone else buy tickets?
  5. Wow, it seems like it was crazy crowded. Sucks to be out of the country.
  6. Just send something to show off. If it wins, it wins. You don't have to be there to collect your prize.
  7. Well I guess it was only a matter of time before someone stepped in and started making accessories for Macross valks. Seems like it's a popular thing to do....just look at all the TF accessories.
  8. Bump. Just a reminder the top prizes usually go something like this: 1st - $200 item (previous prizes have included: YF-21, VF-0A w/ghost) 2nd - $100-$150 item (VF-0A, GBP) 3rd - $50-$80 item (Max popbox doll) At the very least, the top 3 get "paid" out but last year we had 4th and 5th place prizes of shot glasses and posters. We have quite a few returning sponsors so I'm sure we'll have some great stuff this year, and if necessary we'll buy some prizes for this year's tourney to entice you guys. C'mon guys sign up!
  9. Well I think it'd be a nice addition if they did. Didn't that huge Spaceship Yamato that came out a while back have lights and moving turrets? I mean I guess it'd be tougher on a transforming toy but maybe lights on the "arms" For $550 that's the kind of toy I'm envisioning. Again sure $550 is a lot of money but if it's toy is quality and has good features then I'll buy it. And if they make a TV one then I'd probably buy that too.
  10. At this point I think, Yamato showed it. We drooled over it. We want it and we'll buy it. I'm assuming that the people that were excited about the 1/60 monster will buy this. Hell the people that forked over all that money for the big Minmay doll will buy this...at least that's the demographic that they are going for. Higher end product with higher end price tag. Personally I'll buy it. Chances are I'll open it look at it and put it into storage but I want it. In terms of justifying it to my wife....don't need to. As long as our expenses are covered I can buy whatever the hell I want. Or I'll sell some other stuff to cover the cost of it. Besides just because they release a huge SDF-1 doesn't mean they can't release a smaller one later, but I don't think they should forgo this one in favor of a smaller one. My one critieria for buying this is that it has to actually be WORTH the $550. I don't want something like the old Matchbox SDF-1 scaled up. I want detail, little valks, little destroids, lights, etc.
  11. Blah, looks like crap.... I'll take one L please
  12. The buy-in helps us to cover additional prizes, any overhead, and, if applicable, banked for future cons as well.
  13. buy in donation lowered to $20! That's cheap!
  14. Shhhh don't give him a title he may think it's work.
  15. So I figured I would start the poker thread for this year's con. Things are still a little up in the air so for now I'm going to run things the same way they've been done in previous years. The max number of people for the tourney is about 27 or so players (about 9 per table) but we will accommodate more if necessary. Basic poker etiquette applies (detailed rules will be posted later). We will have prizes for at least the top 3 finishers but could have more depending on prize availability. Last year we had 5 places. The donation to enter is $20 (subject to change). The location and time is yet to be determined but most likely will not be held during the official con hours because it limits the players' involvement with other activities. Also, Please post here if you are interested. And feel free to post or PM me with any questions. As things get figured out, I will post updated information. 1 - bigkid24 2 - EXO 3 - Lance 4 - Eternal D 5 - Bobe-Patt 6 - KiriK 7 - Jasonc 8 - spyderx23 9 - snip312 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
  16. Your best bet is to ask a few people because I think any of the McF exclusives are sort of tough to grab and usually run out pretty quickly.
  17. Yeah I have this deck too, it's probably one of my favorite decks since it has a wide variety of art....well even if most of it is from M7. So far I think I only have 3 Macross decks of cards. I have this deck, a deck featuring Mikimoto watercolors of the characters (my set is a bootleg I'm pretty sure but I'm assuming there's a licensed deck) and a mini deck with 4 different card backs...unfortunately they match to the suit of the card which makes them impossible to play with....assuming a person was going to try.
  18. There are both Super/Strike packs for DYRL valks and a TV Super set.
  19. Personally I think if a member is having a run-in with the mods on a regular basis then it's the member and not the mods that are an issue. There are over 8800 members on MW but it's always the same few people that have issues with the mods so interpret that as you will. This is a private board that can be run however Shawn wants it to be run. He pays the bills and if he thinks things are fine then cool. Nothing more to be said. If people don't like the mods then either don't be an asshat or don't post here.
  20. They all look like fanboy designs. The music label one looked better based on the concept art but I guess with most things they didn't translate well.
  21. The music jacket is linked on that page and I think that looks cooler.
  22. I saw a few of the original series but I couldn't get into it. The formula has been done a ton of times and better.
  23. I just weighed a 1/48 in a shipping box and it was about 4lbs and 4 oz. That's without packing material though, but the way the USPS works it should be the same price up to 5lbs I believe. You can go to USPS.com and use that weight with their calculate postage link to figure out shipping.
  24. An old board member myersjesse did a recast waaaaaaay back but they weren't cheap. I think they were like $90ish.
  25. Damn, right! Bunnies kicking ass and taking names!
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