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Everything posted by bigkid24

  1. Riber!!!!!!
  2. I kind of wanted the spies.
  3. So when are these getting painted?
  4. Anybody know anything about these?
  5. Ah the bridge officers at BJ's blowing off some steam after a hard day on the bridge of the SDF-1. That pic doesn't do the set justice. There is some really great detail on the figures...especially on Global.
  6. Can't wait for mine!
  7. I like to see the evolution of the toy from v1 1/60 to 1/48 to v2 1/60
  8. Well Fuke doesn't come with a rifle, only Ley does. My distributor has told me that these are sold out. Yeah they certainly don't live up to the Macross figs they make but for me it's nice to see these guys in civilian clothes.
  9. So I tried searching for Yahoo Japan auction using that above and I see the pic with all the stuff and a price of like 30000 for them. Is that for everything pictured? Sorry, I have no idea about this stuff.
  10. The deadline for the resolicit was in November but there's no release date listed. I think on average there's like 2 or 3 months lead time so it might not be out until Feb but that's only a guess.
  11. I got a resolicit from my supplier on the Gamlins but since I already had them I didn't pay attention to the release date. I'll try to do some digging and see if there's a date on them.
  12. 22s and blank 1S should be here on Friday
  13. The price per piece ratio has been thrown out the window pretty much at least with Star Wars. If you want to talk about TRU gouging on LEGO the $20 Toy Story set with RC, Buzz, and Woody was $27 at TRU. That's a crazy mark up.
  14. Wow, what a huge difference the paint makes! Now I need some of that!
  15. Wow, EXO finishes a project...finally! Nice work man. Hmmm....set 1? What else is in the works?
  16. For about $175 I've got mine ordered. I don't have an Alto yet and I like the idea of having add ons that haven't been released yet.
  17. Threads like these are evil and I refused to participate....I'll just say a lot.
  18. Actually there is MSRP in Japan but it's just a suggested price and since the toy industry is so competitive they slash prices left and right. And to the OP, join group buys!
  19. I don't see how it's inherently greedy and there's definitely nothing wrong here. It's smart business sense. If the seller is open to a taking a lower amount then why wouldn't you make a reasonable offer. And neither of us lost out.
  20. Damn I offered $250 also but she didn't take it. When I saw the other set sold I panicked and use the bing to buy it.
  21. Ah, so you got the other one. Have you gotten yours yet? I was a little worried about the deal being TOO good. Hopefully you used the bing cash back to get at least 8% back.
  22. Here's something to get us in the holiday mood. Henchmen 21 and 24 singing a holiday favorite. http://www.smodcast.net/holidayhavoc/ventu...ristmastime.mp3
  23. Great detail in Milia's flight suit with all the bunching up in the back of her knees and everywhere else. I agree with Exo that her cheeks are a bit full but overall great job. And please post more pics of Misa. Nice helmet...is it big enough to get on her head?
  24. I'm waiting on some stuff but why is "package" in quotes? Makes it sound like a euphemism. Anyway I'm waiting on: Shipped: 1/60 Armored Ozma 1/60 Elintseeker Alto armor plus figure City Commander armor parts City Commander weapons set G3 Trailer Aerialbot Appendage set Ranka with the buns About to ship: Virgin Road 1D TF USB Ravage
  25. Can't wait for the sequel!
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