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Everything posted by bigkid24

  1. Just something I was thinking about when I was thinking about customizing a CF to have me as a pilot. I was thinking of my name and my call sign but then realized that there were no call signs in Macross. Anybody have any good ideas or speculation as to why not?
  2. Hmm. I think they look okay but right out of the box I tried to change hands and the hand peg broke. It's still stuck in the Alpha's arm so I have to find some way to pull it out to glue back on the hand.
  3. Hmm. I only have a Bit Char-G Skyline and Mach 5. I was working on a track a while back.
  4. Yup. That's where I got mine. It's $80/box. That's why I'm selling my clear haired set for so much.
  5. That's funny. I was just about to post something similar to this after looking at all my toys.
  6. Sweet. I was going to message you to see what was going on with with it. Thanks for the update.
  7. Rohby was working on it. Try PMing him.
  8. Good question. It would be another way for Yamato to milk the sculpt of their existing valkyries but then you have to ask why is there still no Kakizaki or Max TV 1A?! I think they should make everything from the series. I want it all!!!
  9. Pre-order the Takara version because even if you pre-order there's no guarantee that you'll get one.
  10. They are trading figures but they are probably like the Macross character figures where if you buy a box you get two sets of them. The red Regult looks like a protoype since the paint detail is missing....but then again the paint scheme looks kind of like a Glaug. I'm not sure if there are 10 in a box or not, but most places have 10 boxes for about $30. The auctions are starting on ebay.
  11. I say the Prime. Given the availability of other Prime/Transformer pieces it's best to get that first.
  12. slaxed So both transforming and non-transforming figures are in the same box?
  13. Did Takara announce that this would be limited? I don't know why they keep limiting stuff when they could sell tons of them.
  14. The question is: Did the builder build it to scale? Not that I really care because that thing is pretty damn sweet. Can you imaging how much that thing would cost if it came straight from Lego?!
  15. bigkid24

    Yamato Prices

    The price you're paying in USD is dependent upon the cost of the valk, shipping costs, and the strength of the dollar.
  16. Wow, that sounds like a custom even I could do. Nice work and nice decals!
  17. Well, if you insist... The Macross Saga Rick Hunter - Peter North Lisa Hayes - Tera Patrick Lynn Minmay - Jun Kusanagi Roy Fokker - Rocco Siffredi Captain Gloval - Ron Jeremy Claudia - Midori Miriya - Aria Giovanni Azonia - Jewel De Nyle Kim - Sylvia Saint Sammy - Violet Blue Vanessa - Raylene The Robotech Masters Dana Sterling - Jenna Jameson Bowie Grant - Sean Michaels Marie Crystal - Asia Carrera Nova Satori - Lexus Locklear Musica - Jasmin St. Claire The New Generation Rook Bartley - Briana Banks Annie LaBelle - Nikki Dial Marlene - Nici Sterling Sera - Jill Kelly Robotech II: The Sentinels Karen Penn - Devon Janice Em - Stephanie Swift Invid Regis - Marilyn Chambers Special thanks to Noriko Takaya for the Sentinels suggestions. Oh, c'mon, A7, you're not even trying. Peter North as Rick? Dude, that's all sorts of wrong. But it would be funny to see Ron Jeremy as Gloval.
  18. I'm surprised my memory was good enough to remember two of them since I never actually had any of them, but I always wanted Overdrive. He was the only one worth having. Did these guys ever make it into the cartoon?
  19. Exo BBTS has them for about $23 so they probably will be around $20 at normal retail places. Did you get your Takara ones yet?
  20. I wouldn't. I'd rather take a live action movie and turn it into a cartoon not vice versa. Why take characters and objects that depend on anime magic and bring them into the real world to constrain them by real world physics and limited special effects?! It's going backwards.
  21. In case you're tempted by bootlegs, you should chose carefully. I have the red shouldered valkyrie, the better bootleg with grey shoulders and the Bandai. (It's my own varied Emerald Force. ) The bootleg with grey shoulders is pretty good but the Bandai is still the best. All around I think it's worth getting the original unless you're low of funds.
  22. Wow, that is nice work, but now I really want to see this diorama.
  23. Huh? I assume this is in the wrong topic. Anyway....yeah, what tom said. The VF-17S/D, Fire and Blazer were originally released in generic boxes in battroid but only the VF-17S and Fire were re-issued in Fighter mode packaging. Of course I probably just regurgitated what was in tom's link but on well. I'm too lazy to click on links....but obviously not too lazy to type this out. Go figure.
  24. My account is still active since I've never been banned. I have been censored once or twice but I felt that my remarks were pretty civil. Oh well. <_< In a slightly OT note: Due to Robotech, the original three Japanese series will always be linked. I was reading whatever issue of Toyfare is our right now and they were talking about the top 100 most expensive toys and a sidebar was expensive prototypes. In the sidebar they mention the $7,000 Robotech Beta but they start the blurb out by saying "From the world of Macross..." D'oh!
  25. Don't the Invid and the Cyclone rider know that they could get runover by cars playing in the street like that?! Yeah, and I've seen better covers. What happened to good covers that actually gave a glimpse of what the story inside was about. Everything is a pin up now!
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