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Everything posted by bigkid24

  1. bigkid24

    What are these

    It was my experience that you got either one of two sets of pencil sharpeners. One was mostly valkyries and the other was destroids and DYRL type mechs like elint, Super O and SDF-1. If you look at the box that the 10 sharpeners come in you'll have an idea of what you could get.
  2. bigkid24

    Jm Regult

    That's damn cool! So, Nick, what's the 10% that's left to do?
  3. That has to be one of the cutest funniest toys I've ever seen. Nice work! Can't wait for him to be finished.
  4. That could work but just pull the SDF off of the rest of the image.
  5. Okay this is waaaaay OT but did you guys see the auction for Christina Aguilera's thong and water from a UK Maxim photoshoot? It went for like $1800 USD!!! Here's the link: Christina's thong and pool water
  6. No, this is a horrible idea. I like the idea of searching for great customs that I saw before. Why have them in one central area?! Just kidding. Well it seems like everybody is cool with the gallery so now it's a matter of customizer getting off their butts to work on stuff.
  7. Yes, Macross 7 is an acquired taste. Apparently, I have that taste. Anyway, I really enjoy M7 and have probably watched it more than the original TV series. Yes, it does get very annoying and it probably could have been shorter and still have manged to get its point across but.... I like the fact that it sheds more light on the Protoculture and that we get a glimpse of Max and Millia's future together...even if they are relegated to comic relief type stature.
  8. The new color of the FAST packs goes REALLY well with the Minmay guard scheme. That looks great.
  9. bigkid24

    MW Updates

    Cool update. The scans of the yellow YF-21 scare me though.
  10. Thanks!!! If you've got other stuff keep'em coming.
  11. Nice work on the strike packs. I can't wait to see a finished JM GBP. (hint, hint KidK )
  12. Maybe we can stick a valk on top because it would be a shame to mess with the wrap around image. It captures everything that the box would hold, it's cohesive, and it just looks great. Plus, I think the valks get too much face time anyway. Bring on the characters!
  13. I didn't even notice the fan racer until other posts mentioned it. That's really cool though. Just like everyone else said, that Cat's Eye is awesome and HUGE. Are there any pilots in that thing? Funny thing is I thought he radome of the Cat's Eye was the base piece for the ghost.
  14. Yeah, that would be my vote.
  15. bigkid24

    1:48 TV hands recast

    I'll take a set. Hook me up, guys!
  16. I heard that now there is going to be a new Robin because Tim stops. The new Robin is a girl, and it's obvious this time unlike the Robin from the Dark Knight Returns.
  17. Actually the costume that Robin is wearing is more like Dick's than Tim's. The costume that the TT Robin wears is closer to the current comic's Robin who is (or was) Tim Drake but in BTAS, it's Dick that wears it. Then in TNBA, Tim dons a red and black costume. There is no green. There is talk on other message boards that the Titans take place in a post BTAS, pre-TNBA era so that it is Dick Grayson.
  18. True it's never said which Robin it is and there are a bunch of conflicting clues as to which one he is. That was actually a Static Shock episode where Static asks Batman where he is and Batman says with the Titans. You'll meet them soon. Also, it's more like the Joker takes over Tim's body more than Tim becomes the Joker.
  19. Depends. If you want more action then go with the OVA.
  20. Those don't even look like prototypes. They look like mock ups for pitching the line. So much potential. So poor in the execution.
  21. Is that really what the doll in the series looked like?
  22. Does anyone have a larger picture of the Hikaru and Misa picture? At this small size they look kind of funny. I'm just afraid that a larger picture would just look worse. Keep in mind that there are plenty of images on the main site that we could probably use also. Anyone working on a Mac Plus case??? Anyone???
  23. Does anyone have good pictures of the Minmay doll? I mean the one in the series that sings and walks? I'm thinking about a project and need some reference material. Thanks.
  24. Why is Misa an older woman?! Isn't she like 19 or something in SDF: Macross?
  25. Can we swap the left and right images so that Minmay is pointing to the SDF-1?
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