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Everything posted by bigkid24

  1. Holy crap. It's much cooler than I thought. I was going to pass but I guess I'll have to try and track one down. Crap.....
  2. To be a Rohby completist I think I'll need a set so I can have everything that you've recasted here on MW.
  3. Not that I plan on getting them but it sucks that Kakizaki is getting the shaft again. He's the only one that I'd like to see.
  4. Sweet! Sweet! Sweet! The entries have been very impressive. Just to throw my 2 cents into the mix... Of the two from VF22 Red I like the revised first box. I like the design and artwork used. Of the two from Flying Pika I really liked the first box as the design was cleaner. It was kind of reminiscent of the 1/48 Low Vis box. Now from a pratical standpoint. How much is it going to cost to print the boxes? My assumption was that it was cheaper to print in black and white and VERY simple designs. Isn't that why most garage kits use labels like that?
  5. My suggestion is for someone with a lot of time and some awesome photoshop skills. How about Isamu with his flying hand on the right side of the box with someone extending the sky and dirt around the spine and to the other side. Then you photoshop the 21 and 19 (like from the collage for example) into the sky on the other side from Isamu. The spine has just the blue words of Macross Plus and the top is whatever although more blue sky is my choice. Call me crazy but I like my stuff on the simple and clean side.
  6. I thought it was the other way around. Didn't Kawamori start with Battroid and then it was just sort of coincidence that the plane looked a lot like an F-14. I thought that's what Egan Loo said at MW con 3.
  7. Hmmm...how much bigger would the leg armor be if you just fit the stuff around it vs. with a slit for the fin to go through? I think making bigger leg armor is a better choice. My only complaint with the old Takatoku armor is that it's so big that with both pieces on there's no daylight between them. With a 1/48 though you can A stance it and have it look okay.
  8. bigkid24

    CF VF-1A

    Very nice work! That is one sweet looking CF. How well the paint is applied amazes me.
  9. Naruto is a great show. I think a lot of the story arcs earlier were drawn out especially since the first part of an episode was an exact retelling of the last 10 minutes of the previous episode. Ugh. Aside from that the characters are interesting and varied. Despite all the characters that are included everyone gets their time to shine and develop. Definitely worth the time to download them off bit torrent. Like soze said get the ones by Anbu and AonE.
  10. See this is the reason why I need to be in this forum more often. Holy crap! That thing is beautiful. In the words of Sleepy Brown and Outkast: "I can't wait."
  11. I was born in Maryland, moved to Glendale, CA, went to school in San Diego, and now I'm back in Glendale. Why? mmmm.....good question. I guess I followed Rocco's advice and went home.
  12. Those are sweet little kits. I don't know much about recasting but it looks like they turned out really well. Hmm....I didn't realize the inbit were so big. I don't suppose you have a Legioss to compare scale?
  13. Okay, that's really freakin' cool!!! Hmm...maybe I need a USS Flagg.
  14. Sweet. I can't wait to see the Super O.
  15. For the record his username is Rohby not Rhoby. PM him and I'm sure he'll be happy to help you out. Sounds like he is still making them. Hmmm....I think the last one I saw was the one he gave away on MW con 3.
  16. Hmmm, I think I joined in May or June of 2001 or whenever it was that they were talking about Toycom M+ valks being released stateside. I joined, bookmarked the site, but didn't post and forgot about the place entirely. Fast forward 3 or 4 months when I was reviewing my bookmarks and I rediscovered MacrossWorld. Been here ever since.
  17. When I didn't have a roommate, my extra bedroom was my office/nerd room where I had my posters and toys displayed. My bedroom and living room were toy free zones so that I could just leave things locked away in one room and keep them from going in there. The ones new about my "habit" were either cool with it or helped me out with it.
  18. It's actually a lot bigger than a UFO catcher plush. I originally thought it was one of those but was pleasantly surprised when I actually saw one. Now I can justify the $100+ price tag.
  19. Yeah, I made that from scratch. Still tinkering with what to do with the black circle... I don't think its too bad for a first attempt though. You mean the middle of the sharingan? I think it's good the way it is. If you want to do something I'd suggest using an image like one of the ones that you have on the left side of Sasuke's brother and making it pretty small and sticking that in the middle. That way it won't detract from the overall look but someone were to look close enough then they would notice the detail. Hopefully, that made sense. Yeah, it's really good for a first attempt. I like the composition it's just too busy for me for a wallpaper but for fanart it's great.
  20. PM sent
  21. Personally, I'm not crazy about the ordering system. The fact that we have to pre-pay for the case but won't know if they'll get made seems pretty weird. If they don't get made then how do we get refunds?! Paypal fees will eat away at the original amount sent. I was going to order the Mikimoto but wasn't too sure abour the ordering process.
  22. Sweet wallpaper. It's a little busy for me but I really like the Sharingan in the middle.
  23. Then they'll make it Turbo and milk it for another year. I didn't realize there WAS a SF3 3rd strike. I didn't really enjoy SF3.
  24. I think they are worth getting. My favorite is Soundwave because he comes with a mini Ravage.
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