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Everything posted by bigkid24

  1. bigkid24


    How many people were there for the raffle to pick up a set of the bookends? I'm just curious what kind of competition I'll be facing at con.
  2. Briareos> Yes, you have to remove the sensor to transform it. Gorgo> I think they are around $1500 or something. I think you can probably still find the thread with the search function.
  3. The big eyes on Claudia make her look like Gumby.
  4. Nice collection. It makes me miss the days that I lived by myself where I could set up my stuff. My displays always look so crowded though because I try and cram everything in. Anubis, is that Misato on the hutch a statue?
  5. Sorry, the pics were quick so they aren't the best. Edit: I decided to change the pic so it included the Yammie 1/60.
  6. Okay, I wasn't sure which thread to post this in but I decided to take a picture of a super poseable with my Toynami 1J to figure out how it compares to the MPC Alpha. As you can see it's pretty much the same size. Both the poseable and the MPC come up to just above the vents on the legs.
  7. That's funny because I do too. It's like "Yes, it's a great story but this is the billionth time I watching this so get back to blowing stuff up." I don't think I've ever seen CotB. Anyone got a VHS copy of it for sale??? I think the first time I saw DYRL was in bits and pieces at my friend's house but it was raw without subtitles. Then we got a fansub of it on VHS. Now I have two versions on DVD but of course the fansub has the best translation but the worst picture.
  8. *nuff said*
  9. yeah, and scott's arms suppose to have those cannons on both sides. Oh yeah. Good catches. Heh heh, you said blowsuperior. heh heh
  10. Yeah, it was the one thing that we didn't get to see because Tom didn't want to take it out of the packaging. Oh and the cyclone was a pretty cool idea. It does take some close looking at though in order to realize what it is.
  11. I agree. If I can find them for cheap then I'm just going to pick up the Cyclone ones. The plain figures and alphas don't do much for me. They have the typical Kubrick style articulation (ball joint) at the shoulders and hips. They may even have waist movement. I can't remember.
  12. I'm definitely picking this up when it hits stateside. Fansubs for episodes 5 and 6 are out. I guess it depends on whose subs you like best.
  13. I've never seen a Prime at retail. My local retailers here still have Sideswipe and Smokescreen but they aren't choking on them so I don't know why I can't find Silverstreak or Hound. I wonder if the first two are still coming packed with the new ones? Does anyone know what the case breakdown is? Ugh, I just had a thought. Can you imagine what will happen when the new version of Smokescreen comes out?!
  14. I think the funniest thing about the Alpha is that it still has prototype pics used on the inside of the "box" packaging with the painted canopy.
  15. Not that he's the ultimate resource on what Toynami plans on doing but it was mentioned at MW Con that you will not need to buy a new Alpha in order to link the Beta.....assuming there is a Beta.
  16. It's still funny every time I see it.
  17. I've got some that I'll post later.
  18. Sure, I am aware of the economics involved, I think that the logic is a little flawed in the sense that the original manufacturer never gets a piece of the re-sal pie unless they Horde or "Find a warehouse stock" of the item after they have created a desire for the item and then attempt to sell it at elevated prices. Naturally, the recognition of the public that they create rare and desireable things will probably enhance future sales and allow for greater production runs. My monopoly example only related to the initial price point of $200 for the bookends. It's a high end item that not everyone (mass market) is interested in so they make just enough at a high price point to make a nice profit and not be stuck with inventory. I assume it's the company's best guess as to what the market will bear. The secondary market is to blame for the exorbitant prices on ebay. I don't think it's really fair to blame Toynami.
  19. Re-releasing the low-vis will only hurt the sales of the original low-vis, which Yamato doesn't care about since that run is long over. Someone perfectly described "completists" as buyers will bulls-eyes on their backs The "completist" is precisely the type of person that Yamato counts on to buy their reissues and variants. Conversely, while the average Macross fan would know better than to buy the exact same toy twice, mom & pop shops and TRU don't, so Yamato still makes money off them. It might not be this year, or even next year, but I firmly believe Yamato will re-issue the low-vis (or some variant such as a 1J). Just look at the ridiculous prices this cash cow is commanding on E-bay, there's most definitely a demand for it. Yeah, if they re-issue a Low Viz 1A, initially, it will only decrease the aftermarket price of the first run, but if they re-issue this then what's to stop them from re-issuing other items. If a toy company is just going to keep re-issuing stuff then why buy first runs? I'll just wait for the glut of product and the sales that will go along with them. If stuff doesn't sell the first time around at full price then vendors may be reluctant to order very much product. Leading to lower sales and what the company could perceive as lower demand for their product. If demand is lower then there could be less supply but since they can't raise their price point they make less money. Part of my fear is that they will follow Toy Biz's business model. Toy Biz makes Marvel Legends and Lord of the Rings figures. They sell for about $7-$8 individually and are in high demand for the most part. The problem is a few months after a wave is released they re-issue items either in boxed sets (Marvel Legends) or in new packaging (LOTR). Typically, they are cheaper in either form than the first runs. Now I know this is just the company trying to milk the molds for as much money as possible but I think this cuts into sales. Why buy first run if in a few months I can save some money and get, in most cases, the exact same item?! I know this isn't exactly applicable here but this is what I was talking about.
  20. Oh man, I loved the Knight's of the Round arcade game! I never played the SNES version but I hear it's as good as the arcade. Gotta go on eBay! I seem to remember an arcade game but it wasn't based on this show, was it? It was pretty cool if it's the one I'm thinking of. It was kind of like Final Fight like a side scrolling beat 'em up right?
  21. Macross 7, for me, was very watchable and re-watchable. I'm pretty sure I've gone through M7 more often than SDF. Why do I like it? 1) We get to see what happens with Max and Milia. 2) Max in a VF-22. 3) Milia in her old VF-1J. 4) Any song Mylene sang. 5) Further insight into the Protoculture. 6) VF-17s and fully armored VF-11s (sweet) I agree that the series did run a little long but at least it didn't have the recaps every 6 or 7 episodes. Most of the 50 episodes were really episodes.
  22. Were the characters pretty young? I think they were teenagers from current time period that ended up in Arthurian times somehow. Arthur was the quarterback of a football team and all the knights were football players too. Does that sound familiar? I don't remember them having animal powers though. Oh yeah, Arthur had a yellow suit of armor and his helment looked like a crown with a picture of excalibur on his chest. Basically, that's the only King Arthur cartoon I remember.
  23. I think there are two issues here. One is the limited run item that is high priced like the bookends. I think in general though items like this are typically limited like statues or busts. In general they are aiming at, obviously, adult collectors that have fairly deep pockets. They know it's not something that will appeal to the mass populace so they limit the run. Didn't the run start out at 200 pieces and then they upped it to 500 for the 1S version. They realized that the market demand would warrant more pieces so they made more. Any economics class will tell you that a monopoly allows smaller runs with higher price points and higher profit. Simple supply and demand. Ghadrack, I don't understand the point of your rant. Do you want the bookends and you're pissed at the price or are you just ranting to rant? The second issue is the limited run items like the CMS Hikaru and Minmay or any other convention exclusive. I think they are just enticements to go to the conventions and they cost very little to the company to make compared to a whole new figure. Usually, the exclusives are fairly priced at the events but then it's the aftermarket that pushes the prices into the stratosphere. It's not the fault of the company for the prices. Okay, I'm bored at work so I'll keep going.... I'm glad that Yamato is keeping the low vis limited. What I mean is that I'm glad that they aren't re-issuing it. They said it was limited and that's the way it should be. They probably figured that a non-canon paint scheme wouldn't sell well so they kept it limited. Personally, I think that if they re-issue it, it will hurt future sales of other items.
  24. I saw her but didn't get a pic. I like how she went the extra distance with the red contacts.
  25. Cool. I'd definitely be interested in these. If you had to guesstimate, when do you think you'll finish them?
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