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Everything posted by bigkid24

  1. Okay the gestalt is funny but at the same time pretty cool. I wonder how fragile it is though. We should name him. I'm in the L.A. area and I don't know whether it's poor distribution or just the frickken scalpers out here that make it so I can't find anything. I should have just bought the Binaltech versions from soze.
  2. Isn't there a Prime 0 that doesn't come with the binder that you can get for cheaper? I thought there was a difference.
  3. Whoa. You gotta be kidding me. I can't believe those things are going for so much. Even on figuring on the generous side, he paid at least $200 more than what he would have paid separately.
  4. I'll try that site. Did you get that Mentos commercial off there. I assume it ends with a glint off his teeth.
  5. Wasn't that part of the joke by the Macross creators? They made this girlie looking man with a deep voice a ladies man.
  6. Are there any good Naruto AMVs? I haven't really seen any. I think my favorite AMV is Kyle's Mom is a Big Fat B!tch using Eva and DBZ footage.
  7. Nice display, Jesse. I've wanted to do something similar for a while but I guess I should take my stuff out of the box first.
  8. I've seen the hovercycle. Hell, at one point I think I might have thought about buying it. Oh the shame. Anyway, I thought it was kind of cool since I never saw anything good from the Robotech Masters series.
  9. I don't think it's better but the intro for the Dreamcast's M3 was pretty kick ass. That really should have been on anniversary disc. I haven't played a whole lot of VFX 1, 2 or Macross Plus so I'm not sure what other cut scenes there are. Hmm, I guess that's what I could be doing instead of sitting here on MW.
  10. Okay, I'll bite. What the heck is Princess Maker?
  11. Geez, I used to just stare at those ads on the comics wishing I had the toys. Of course it was for the imported stuff and not this Matchbox crap. Phew! I can't believe the SDF playset goes for like $300.
  12. Aw, we don't get a breasty, hippy blue Q-rau pilot figure as Max?
  13. I don't see why they have to call it a GL movie. Just take the same concept and run with it but don't put the GL label on it because it will be so far removed from the GL universe that it'll be unrecognizable. At least, that's what I'm hoping for.
  14. When I was looking for them I just did a google search and the first site that came up had all the episodes in quicktime with and without commentary.
  15. I'm happily surprised that Meister doesn't look like crap in white plastic.
  16. It's not so much the toys themselves but how people pose them and display them. For me, I don't have any on display right now so I need to look at other people's stuff to remind me of what I have.
  17. I wonder why the fanliner never came out. Or did it? I've never seen it in person. Does anyone know for certain?
  18. you can get a set...it just depends on if you want originals or recast hands....i know not a lot of members are willing to give up the hands since the 1/48's come with crappy standard hands...you can always try the "Wanted" section here on the boards if you really want a set Actually, Rohby did recast those hands. Try PMing him.
  19. Having car manufacturer websites post images of their cars as robots seems to be a good sign. First Mazda and now the Mini. I think it's time to just keep checking out the websites of other car makers to keep an eye out for any foreshadowing. So if they have Minis in the Binaltech line do you think they'll have BMWs?
  20. I usually only buy one of something unless I get a really good deal on something. Most of my duplicates have come from group deals where I only want one piece from a sale or auction but need to buy the whole thing. A good case in point are the CMS figures. Through a couple of quick purchases I now have about 5 sets of series 2 and 3 sets of series 1.
  21. I live in Pomona, but I won't tell you where that store is!! I want that VF-19A!!!! Haha... That's cool... PM me after you get the valk, I'm more interested in the store, do they carry other stuff besides Macross? (almost undoubtedly ) Yeah, yeah. We're only interested in the store.
  22. I like the Ishtar head Misa.
  23. bigkid24


    hey now, it wasn't just any girl that got you the ticket, and she didn't work there. It was Jasonkimberson's main squeeze that got you the ticket, remember? And remember the stickers that we passed out for her?: Anime Punch stickers? Yeah, so for any of you who need anime stuff, go to Anime Punch *shameless plug*!! Oh, that's who that was. Speaking of which does anyone want a sticker?
  24. Hmmm....I'm not too impressed.
  25. glendale, CA latitude 34° 9' 0.688010977797" longitude -118° 14' 30.5904648228"
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