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Everything posted by bigkid24

  1. Whoa, I forgot I have Elemental Gearbolt. That's a pretty involved game with three stock weapons to choose from and an RPG type of feel to it. Point Blank games are a lot of fun. Everyone gets into them because they are simple but challenging. The time crisis games are good too. There is a new one called Crisis Zone. In the arcade you had a big ole machine gun so I don't know how it works on the home version. The big thing with light gun games is that you have to make sure you don't move once you calibrate your gun.
  2. I think that's the first built wind-up Minmay that I've ever seen. Not as impressive as I thought. I didn't mind using the stands since they weren't that intrusive. I had mine displayed with my kubricks and gashapons. I don't typically mix figures and mechs.
  3. Depending on my refund this year I'll make some changes to my withholdings. I'm planning on paying off some debt and then maybe saving up for the ultimate toy: a new car. If your taxes are really simple why even bother with tax software? Use a 1040 EZ. If they're a little more complicated that a 1040EZ wouldn't capture everything then go ahead and get the software but don't waste your money if you don't need to. And remember, if you do itemize, the cost of the software should be tax deductible.
  4. Apparently they all still separate and transform. That guy has also made a VW Bumblebee Alt/BT and a couple of other really good looking transformers.
  5. Man, I really want to see one of these in person. Strangely enough, no one has it at Frank and Sons from what I've seen. I guess I'll just wait for the US release.
  6. I don't know what I'm getting this year. I've been buying myself stuff for a while so I'm trying to top that.
  7. WTF?!
  8. Ooo, ooo. Me me.
  9. Damn. I knew I shouldn't have come into this thread. Now I have something else to spend money on. Crap. That Shockwave is awesome.
  10. That's what you get for not reading the label.
  11. Cool. So the 1/48s aren't dead. I guess I'll take one.
  12. Just a warning to you guys to remember that they run small so get a size larger than normal if you're going to actually wear it. I need to go pick up another one.
  13. I'm probably one of the bigger supporters of these. I think they're great but I paid full price for mine. I have no regrets though.
  14. What's the final price on these again? I'll take one for now.
  15. Hey Solscud Did you just put that on Rohby's recast? Any prep work? Put me down for a couple
  16. Those are pretty sweet. I've always thought things like that were cool but the subject matter never did anything for me. Now that I see these I really want this stuff!
  17. Add another crappy Alpha to the list. I finally got around to opening one of the two I bought. (Yeah, I bought two. I forgot I already had one on pre-order.) The one I opened is 979 and one of the pieces on the heels is upside down so the heels are asymmetrical to each other. How do you miss that?! Anyway, I need to open my other one but don't have the patience to do it tonight.
  18. Holy crap! I haven't read comic books in years but all this is news to me. Psylocke is dead? Mystique is 1000 years old? Wolvie is 150 to 200 years old? (I thought he was more like 90 to 100.) WTF?! I don't like the idea of Wolvie on the Avengers. It just doesn't seem right. I'm not too thrilled about the idea of Spidey either. I always thought that the Avengers were the big guns of the Marvel Universe even if they weren't the most popular.
  19. Nah! Remember, there is more to MW than the forums. Glad you guys like it. It's vaguely embarassing to have in my living room. But I'm gonna leave it this way for a while. H No need to be embarassed. It's a tasteful display.
  20. its a smirk, not a smile.... Either way. Like Robin said in the "Knight Time" episode. "He's acting weird."
  21. Yeah, I saw this guy's site. It's pretty impressive especially since he knew nothing about electronics before hand.
  22. Yeah, TRU isn't the best but it's still better to have them around even if we don't buy from them. Otherwise Wal-mart really will have waaaaay too much influence over the toy market...even more than they do now.
  23. Whoa! Batman....is....smiling???
  24. Wow. He head is way out of scale but it looks okay. Did you get the other I-men, Solscud? I think they've been out for a while. The first time I saw them was at AX.
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