I think there were plans for someone to recast the pilot but after the prices went through the roof on them, I think people backed out of offering their pilot for recasting purposes.
From a marketing standpoint I don't know if using the black costume would make sense. I suppose if they went the symbiote route they might not make the costume all black then. Sony has built this franchise on the particular look of Spidey for the movies so the thought of changing after only 2 movies doesn't seem to make a lot of sense to me since it would be a HUGE change.
Just my 2 cents.
I'd like to think that I'd just save the money but I know myself better. I'll probably piss it away on booze and women.....hmmm.....not a bad idea.
Okay honestly, now maybe I can afford some new furniture.
Yeah, it's pretty good stuff. I wish I had thought about it first though. What a great excuse for someone to customize me a bunch of toys. That and buying old toys off of ebay like the Castle of Lions for backgrounds.
I assume it'll be $25 since her CDs were going for $20 the last time.
As interesting as it would be to have Mari there I just want to make sure we have the food situation handled. Last year worked out well, but poor Memo was stuck out by the grill all day.
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death & Rebirth. Shinji's visiting Asuka in the hospital and ends up knocking her gown open. He masturbates to the sight, then rambles to himself about what a sick bastard he is.
Holy crap. That happened? I don't remember that. Really don't want to either.
Crap. And I told myself that I wouldn't buy random anime things but that's cool. It's that from Sgt. Frog (at least that's what it's called in the States, right?)
True but they can package the figure separately from the bike mode of the cyclone. Both of them vertically. I think you could fit a pretty good sized figure in there.
Also, that shadow actually looks pretty good. Crap. Wasn't going to get it but now I'm tempted.