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Everything posted by bigkid24

  1. Thanks. That does help....except I think I'm too dumb to figure out the instructions. edit in - nevermind. I think I got it. Does anyone have a picture of one of these built?
  2. Does anyone have a picture of the head for the Hasegawa Virgin Road VF-1D? Or any lineart of the valk's head? Thanks.
  3. I didn't see much of the old HBO show. Was it that bad?
  4. Sorry, if this has been discussed but do you think Lucas will explain why Threepio doesn't remember being created by Anakin?
  5. Hmmm....I should have my tax refund by the time MW con rolls around. I may need a gold book.....
  6. Two things come to mind when I see these pictures. One is holy crap. That's a great collection. Second is, man, that's a lot of wasted hours/days/weeks.
  7. Yeah, I work in Culver City.
  8. Is that the huge store on Sepulveda? I just noticed that place yesterday as I was driving to lunch.
  9. really? I was thinking it odd seeing that cat being sliced up in mid-air with not a drop of liquid splattered all over the place... then again, maybe I'm just desensitized, so I don't see the blood, lol The cat gets sliced in silouhette and then the actual blood hits the shed behind the guy as he's walking away. Anyway, I just saw a screening last night. It was funny as hell. It was subbed for those of you wondering.
  10. Sweet! Can't wait to see this in person.
  11. Someone put up a picture of the 2GB memory stick a few pages back. Apparently it's out now and the MSRP on that thing is about $450.
  12. bigkid24

    VF Girls

    I'm digging the monster girl. Finish it. Finish it.
  13. Since I'm not into buying multiple valks just to have multiples (unless it makes sense like the CF) I'd like to see a 1/48 CF with the GBP and the GBP released by itself. I'd buy one of each.
  14. Crap, I need that Naruto! I hate shipping costs!!!
  15. I like how you have various scales and whatnot for a particular series or figure on one shelf. I usually did my display strictly by series/make/scale. When I start to display my stuff again I'll have to rearrange.
  16. DLP....would a LCD rear projection fall into this category?
  17. I heard that it's based off the Dreamwave comics where UM is just a white Prime.
  18. ^ Looks like a Bandai HCM.
  19. Put it on the Hikaru 1J, it's the most iconic fit. Give the TV-style Super Armor to a VF-1S. I already have a 1S with TV armor.
  20. Damn, Exo, that Hikaru head looks pretty good. Can't wait to get one.....but I guess I'll have to.
  21. I'm running out of valks to put this on.
  22. I thought this was actually licensed from Takara.
  23. ^ If you check earlier in the thread someone said they had.
  24. Reading this thread is making me really want to get one but I know that I'll probably never really play it. Lumines and Untold Legends are the two games that I'm really looking at. If you guys need Sony memory sticks I may have a hookup. PM me if you want info.
  25. I voted neither because I don't hate either of them. Macross II isn't that bad. It's slow but the story actually makes sense in terms of the Macross brand. Plus most people like the mechs. Macross 7 is great for what it is. Yes, Basara is annoying and Sound Force is going pretty far but I like the added info it provides about the Protoculture and the glimpse of Max and Milia it gives.
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