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Everything posted by bigkid24

  1. I don't think the demand for this set was there so it was abandoned.
  2. Isn't a confirmed rumor still a rumor? Sorry, couldn't resist. If these are indeed true then it's great news.
  3. I agree with all of that except I think Sidious created Anakin and not Plaugus. I think Sidious learned everything from his Master, created Anakin, and then killed Plaugus in his sleep. In the mean time Sidious found Maul to use until Anakin was old enough
  4. I'll be there early.
  5. Time to go get me a shovel!
  6. There are official replacement hips floating around that people may be willing to hook you up with. Uh...I don't have any so don't ask me though.
  7. If you guys are looking for Chirico figures I think Anime Punch still has some available. If they aren't on the website ask Mindy on the forums for one.
  8. I don't think I've ever paid more than $120-$130 for any non-FP 1/48 I've bought, Low Viz or otherwise. I don't know if this is going to sell that poorly. There's been a lack of 1/48s in the market lately so people are probably going to jump on these. Plus, it's a cannon fodder scheme which isn't popular for the casual fan but can be used for army building. I also think these will be produced in less numbers than the other 1/48s. Now before anyone reads my ramblings as fact..... This is all speculation on my part. None of this is fact.
  9. Are there shoulder buttons or is this a throwback to the old Gameboy Color?
  10. Wow so there's even less than 15000 units out there? Maybe that's why they are almost hitting Low Viz like prices. People are funny.
  11. Wow, overpriced stuff. Just what I always wanted.
  12. Interesting that the Robotech store doesn't have them for pre-order.
  13. Dang, I didn't realize the cockpit came out. Hmmm...I may need that Chirico figure too. Crap, more money out the door.
  14. And that's all I have to say about that.
  15. Kind of like what happened with that one guy that drew an Eva looking sentinel in X-men a few years ago. He got all sorts of flack some of which was on this board.
  16. How do you figure that? This guy built that room. That means there's some bit of testerone in him to know how to use tools and stuff. This has been around for a while. I think he completed the room years ago.
  17. Exo, weren't we just talking about this guy?! Heh. Anyway, the worst part about Liefeld and his popularity is the amount of copycat artists he created. Didn't Dan Panosian and Brandon Peterson do some work for Liefeld? And of course, they were forced to draw like him. Of course so they were crappy themselves but then they had to follow the work of a hack like him.
  18. Not all of the figures were transformable though. Some were poseable so the transformation was sacrificed.
  19. Wasn't he just a thug? Part of a gang.
  20. Right. It's direct to video.
  21. Love that scene. But what's with the red the bad guy's head?
  22. Wow. That is some nice work.
  23. Robot Chicken is definitely on the decline, but it used to be damn funny.
  24. Heh heh. He said recasted. I want! I want!
  25. No one has submitted any of the build up sheets or built models yet.
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