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Everything posted by bigkid24

  1. I agree. Finish the movie stuff first so we have a complete line up in one style first.
  2. bigkid24

    M7 VF-19 Valks

    If you're really lucky you may be able to find the good bootleg of the Blazer. Yes, I said the good version. Before the crappy blazer and fire boots there were bootlegs of all the Mac 7 valkyries and those were much much better than the ones you see so commonplace now. In fact they are almost as good as the originals. I have a Bandai blazer, good boot, and a bad boot. I would take comparison pics but they're in storage.
  3. You should display it with the clear FAST pack parts.
  4. Oops. forgot to sign up.
  5. Both 1st and 2nd series had clear and normal hair versions. The one exception is the sitting Minmay in the 2nd series. Instead of clear hair she had a watercolor like light haired version. The chase in the 2nd series was the Hikaru cockpit similar to the Roy cockpit in series 3. In series 1 there was a winking and non-winking Mao which I think is the only true variant. There are also the limited edition Hikaru and Minmay you should look for. If you really want to be a completist you can get the bootleg sets that you see on ebay which have all of the regular figures plus the Minmay doll.
  6. Don't forget the 1/48 Roy is also getting re-issued. I have the complete 1/60 line. I like it for it's completeness and I want to customize some more stuff for them. The 1/48 line is too pricey for me to have one of everything so I prefer to just get the good pieces.
  7. There are actually grants for people that need to upgrade their skills to stay competitive in the work place, and, yes, it covers animators having to learn computers.
  8. Not enough laughs for a comedy if you ask me. I think more of the downhill slide should have been montage and there should have been more stealing.
  9. It'll look fine. It'll look like a tree.
  10. I think they showed it 3 times. Twice one way and then with the scene flipped but it's been a while.
  11. I've decided that I'm horrible at rating movies so I'll just say, if you watch to watch it, watch it. If you don't, don't. Minor Spoilers? (Doesn't tell you anything about plot but if you really don't want to know...... My observations on the movie: There's not a lot of violence, there's decent eye candy, apparently Ethan Hawke is stuck playing law enforcement for the rest of his career, and I want a gold plated AK-47,
  12. I'd be interested. I'm horrible but it's fun trash talking when I get lucky and win one!
  13. Sweet! I would definitely be down for one if you make more. I really like the idea of the removable eyes for different expressions.
  14. That's pretty cool. If the bathroom was plastered with Macross pics then why did you only buy that one?
  15. Isn't VF-1X busy running his other websites? xstoys could probably speak to his whereabouts the best.
  16. Max, also beat her in DYRL where she was bloodied and he left his valk unscathed. I agree Basara needs to be in the mix even if he is annoying. I don't think he's the best but he deserves some attention. Oh, but he did get hit in fights. Another good mention even though we don't get to see Chlore kick a lot of ass Milia says that they were rivals and always competing for kills. Ultimately I think it does come down to the big three of Roy, Max, and Isamu. The way I see it the basketball equivalent of these pilots would be: Roy - Magic Johnson (great pilot AND leader, takes care of everyone) Max - Air Jordan (flashy and will get his kills, just let him go do his thing) Isamu - Allan Iverson (gets his kills no matter what even if it pisses everyone off) They are all great pilot/players in their own way but given their playing styles who would you want on your team? So yeah, I think it's all a matter of opinion.
  17. haha, I was actually going to do one.
  18. Cool. I'm glad that I waited on customizing a Max.
  19. This is great news. Once they have the sculpt for one, the variants can't be far behind.
  20. So fulcy, that means you're still working on the armored gerwalk?
  21. Here's a pic of it.
  22. Ah well, I dont really need anymore Roy's....I don't really need more fast packs either but I guess I get a few for when i can finally display everything. The real question is....how many are Godzilla and kensei getting?
  23. Geez, Exo, is there anything you DIDN'T take a picture of?!!?
  24. that's the plan!
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