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Everything posted by bigkid24

  1. Correct me if I'm wrong but the military doesn't streamline their aircraft. If they're working on something better then it gets a different designation. What's the difference between liking a new fighter that Kawarmori creates (like you said with the SWA-X1) and a redesign of the VF-1? Fighters aren't like cars that get updated every year.
  2. However you do the sets I want a couple of the strike and ostrich probably and yeah, recast the whole ostrich.
  3. For every redesign that is done there is going to be plenty of people that just say, that's not the VF-1 to me. I would look forward to any new mecha designs Kawamori does but I don't want it to be designated a VF-1. VF-2 or whatever maybe but not a VF-1. Besides his time would be better spent on new Macross projects.
  4. Okay, I'm dumb. What parts are you offering on the Ostrich? Either way I'd probably like a few sets depending on price. Is Mervin cool with you recasting his set?
  5. That is probably almost true. "Give us what we want or we'll boycott you and leave you high and dry" Graham's lips are sweet. Beware his sweet lips. 374514[/snapback] Actually, I thought this wasn't true and that we shot ourselves in the foot with that this is how many yamatos I have in each scale thread.
  6. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...me=STRK:MEWA:IT Holy crap for the Bandai version?! That's a lot of money!
  7. Former CPA, currently I audit movies for one of the big studios.
  8. bigkid24

    Cms Series 4

    I think it's safe to say that we probably won't see TV flight suit figures since they want the DYRL suits to be the way we remember those characters.
  9. bigkid24

    Cms Series 4

    Here's my line up and I'm trying to keep it realistic meaning more girls than guys, a Minmay, and spread across different series. This is not my dream line up. Wedding Max Sharon Apple - Long hair version (clear hair version would make sense) Kakizaki flight suit micky mouse flight suit Minmay Sylvie Gena (is that the girl's name from Mac II?) Max Cockpit Chase Gubaba
  10. Single but dating. Basically as long as my woman gets taken care of, she won't mind the toys. I'm not a completist but I did cave and finally get a the last 1/48 that I needed to complete the line. Other than that I'll get what I like but I've been very disciplined lately....or at least disciplined for me. I see no reason why I won't be able to continue buying what they put out. I'll probably have to buy less than I have been but I'll still get it.
  11. Is that motorcycle for batgirl a particular scale?
  12. I've never done it but I think you can. There are plenty of domestic sellers that carry ehobby stuff.
  13. The Max 1J was gone? I remember it being there. Anyway, I have some part 2 cms figs if you want them. We can meet up there if you want them.
  14. Are those custom acrylic display cases?
  15. Those pics with the microman just sold me on it. I'm definitely getting this.
  16. What makes you think they sold out? 364686[/snapback] I don't know about the 1/48s but some orders on the FPs were reduced to suppliers. So I would take that as support for the FPs selling out.
  17. Time to sell one peeps if you got them! 363736[/snapback] Trust me I'm thinking about it! Oh yeah, and the Rick VF-1J MPC is up to $150! Rick MPC
  18. Yeah, it's re-issue #6 not 5. It would be nice if they reissued other valks.
  19. Someone is actually willing to pay $150 for the Toynami Miriya armor? http://cgi.ebay.com/RARE-Robotech-Masterpi...1QQcmdZViewItem
  20. I see fighter mode and I think...hmmm....A-wing
  21. Actually it was a bear.
  22. I have one but I haven't had the opportunity to check it out yet. I'll guess I'll get around to it soon. I agree with others while the individual weapons would have been nice I usually leave them in the box. Maybe I should have gotten a second one to display as lions.
  23. Wow, it went for that much and you had zero feedback with that account. That's impressive. Man, I have like 4 of those things. Maybe it's time to sell one.
  24. Did you take those pics at Carl's Jr?
  25. I just skimmed this topic but I think that Graham had the best answers. The fan base, the visibility of the source material. Transformers and Gundam are always on. There's always a series created to bring in new fans. I think it's funny that people are complaining about the price but then b!tching that it should have been bigger. Remember people a 1/60 VF-0 is close to height to a 1/48 VF-1. It's already pretty big.
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