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Everything posted by bigkid24

  1. The episode you're talking about is Legend of the Dark Knight. It's has 3 takes on Batman. One is the old Dick Sprang campy Batman, the next is the Miller Dark Knight, and the last is the regular cartoon one battling Firefly. The episode is available on Volume 4 of the DVDs. The Batman vs Dracula is actually a movie from the current The Batman show. Other movies from BTAS/TNBA were Mask of the Phantasm, Sub Zero (straight to video), World's Finest (with Superman), and Mystery of the Batwoman. Also, Return of the Joker which is a Batman Beyond movie has an extensive flashback sequence with incredible animation.
  2. The best thing to do is have your friends look for stuff for you. It's enabled me to get stuff earlier or just be able to have it without me going to every toy store in the area. For the most part, distribution problems, bad QA and poor character selection have turned me off most domestic toys. With limited display space, domestic action figures always get put away first so with that in mind I don't buy as much as I used to. As for manufacturers, it's true that Hasbro should readjust their case ratios. Clones always sell out so the fact that there is only 1 per case is just ridiculous. There are so many freaking leftover geonosians that there's no way they'll restock anytime soon. I think ML has gotten better since the BAF. I see plenty of Sentinel and Apocalypse complete sets that I'm getting sick of it and keep hoping for the next series.
  3. That's a great deal on the alphas and bookends. It's sad to see that there is such a lack of demand for these though. I think it pretty much spells doom for any chance of a beta.
  4. This guy posted and sold his stuff here. He's working on the Komilia right now I think.
  5. I'm surprised the Miriya is so cheap.
  6. The video was pretty funny. I laughed and then though man, someone has a lot of time on their hands.
  7. I just assumed that it had the sides of the head painted white instead of the stock black.
  8. Yeah, the best thing to do is to get an unknown rather than trying to shoehorn in some popular actress into the role. At one point I was thinking of Angelina Jolie.
  9. Well both kate Beckinsale and Charisma Carpenter are about 5'8". The problems with getting a woman that's 6'6" is that there's no way that Diana would be able to assimilate into society and have a secret identity. Besides do they ever portray her as that tall in the comics? Lucy Lawless is only 5'10" so not much taller than the other two. Also she's freaking old now. She's like 38 years old. I'd rather see Kate or Charisma in the role.
  10. ^ haha That's cool.
  11. Hmm...don't remember when I joined but it was around when the Macross Plus valks were supposed to be imported.
  12. That is sweet. Wonder if it's some sort of kitbash.
  13. bigkid24

    More Cms Figures

    I didn't mind the first cockpit since it was a chase but if they are going to start including them in the normal line I'd rather they didn't.
  14. Wow. How long did that much take you to do?
  15. bigkid24

    Lego Anyone?

    Cool. I may have to try building that, but I get the feeling that I don't have all the pieces.
  16. Guess I made the right choice going to Vegas that weekend.
  17. Agreed. As much as I like Roy's character, it was a necessary death to move Hikaru's development forward. Besides, even if Roy hadn't died what makes you think that Kawamori would have chosen him to focus the story on?
  18. How is he going to get that crown on his head if the intakes are so close to his head?!
  19. Nice work. I totally forgot about that scheme.
  20. Sweet! At first I thought they were the little Super Mario pixel toys, but these are much cooler. I think the 3D versions are a nice touch.
  21. those do look pretty sweet and the lineup is interesting. None of them are a must have for me though. I would buy the Evas but I already have too many different versions.
  22. So has it been agreed that the buy-in on the poker game is up to $40-$50?
  23. I only have a 1/40 Orguss that everyone else has. He's really dusty but in great condition.
  24. bigkid24

    1/48 Gbp

    Damn. That looks so much better than just the valk itself!
  25. I don't think they did. Maybe that's a use for all those extra ML Black Panther figures that are sitting on the shelves.
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