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Everything posted by bigkid24

  1. bigkid24

    1/48 GBP

    Isn't that based on some fan custom? It looks pretty good but I don't know how many of these I can stand. I think it would look great on a LV1 or a Stealth but I just bought FPs for my stealth. Hmmm....
  2. Nice. Is that your usual Matchbox conversion next to the cardboard one in that pic? Or is that the Yellow Sub kit?
  3. I'll be watching it Friday morning. I'll let you guys know how it is. Personally I want Craig to work even though I don't think he has that Bond look and quality to him.
  4. Make up your mind.
  5. bigkid24

    1/500 SDF-1

    I like the play feature of the legs opening up.
  6. The figure looks okay but I barely care enough to get the first one let alone some nameless guy's.
  7. Wow you make bags? Why not just give out handfuls? It would be less time consuming.
  8. Jesus H Christ! This thing STILL isnt out? Even dead people can't hold their breath this long.
  9. I don't like the face on it. It looks like he's sucking on some lemons after brushing his teeth. It started out promising but somewhere it took a wrong turn. I blame EXO, if that guy hadn't suggested that jaw thing I think it would have turned out OK. I also blame him for the fact Tom Cruise went crazy and the dollar is weak against the YEN.
  10. You took the words right out of my mouth.....well maybe I'll pass on it........but it looks so freaking sweet!
  11. Another vote for great looking FAST packs. That's the color they should have been in the first place.
  12. Is this fansubbed or out on DVD right now?
  13. Well they don't look as bad as they did in the auction. The heads are weird but I guess the suits aren't bad.
  14. Damn that Ingram looks pretty sweet. I might have to cave and get one.
  15. Man, what happened to good ole Buckethead.
  16. That's some nice work. The Isamu is yours too?
  17. Geez, didn't realize there weren't any pics yet.
  18. Yeah, far and away the best figure.
  19. Wow. That's pretty freaking nice. That looks like it took a looooooong time to do.
  20. bigkid24

    stop motion

    That was pretty cool. I wonder how long something like that takes.
  21. Hard Gay! Hoooo! How much was he?
  22. I'm not sure if it's out yet but they are releasing the Red shoulder version. I think it's this one that comes with clear parts to replace some of the leg and arm pieces so you can see the internal stuff. I think some of the weapons packs are on sale at Entertainment Earth. I was debating whether or not to get some. Might be worth it if they have the should piece.
  23. Have you guys checked the inside of the box missiles? Sometimes people store the pieces in there.
  24. I've got that one too. I was kind of disapointed by him because he's sort of hard to pose with the bike. And the bike itself feels kind of cheap. The new licensed figures are okay from what I've seen.
  25. Mine can't hold the rifle because of the shoulder joint. The whole arm rotates down. Good luck finding a cheap one. He's hard enough to find let alone finding a cheap one. I've been looking for a while and the cheapest I found was like $20 a few months ago.
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