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Everything posted by badboy00z

  1. That was merely a respond to Euigmon's comment about me check back with my bridge. He was trying to make fun of me for being a Gundam fan you see. And singing to space aliens comment was a damn good comeback IMO. It's not meant be to a diss to Macross. If I didn't like Macross, I wouldn't be at this forum.
  2. Hmm, I heard somewhere on here that Kawamori was a fan of Gundam.
  3. [Childish voice]He started it![/childish voice] Like I said earlier, I don't get nasty unless I'm provoked. Even then I try to stay away from personal insults and taking "jabs" at others. If you have observed, I only started to get defensive when someone described the Zeta's transformation as "curling into the fetal position". That to me is a mockery to a fine anime machine. I would've have cared as much if different words were used.
  4. Haha, real funny. Don't you need to go sing to space aliens?
  5. A solid resin Monster of that size would be quite heavy. Lol.
  6. Thank you! I never would've gotten irritated if a certain someone didn't describe the Zeta's transformation as "curling into the fetal position...".
  7. Looks and finesse are both subjective. And all I ever said was that I didn't like the way the VF-1 transformed. And as if you don't take out your "fanboyism" for Macross on those whose opinion differ from yours. Lol. You don't like how there are people out there that don't like Macross/ the VF-1? Too bad "mate", it's the internet. Yes they are entirely different things. One is a mobile suit and one is a fighter jet that are designed by two different people. But what is exactly the same is the concept that they are both transforming mechas that perform different tasks in different modes. Also I never said that Bandai should get the license. I was actually bummed out that Yamato didn't get it because I've seen the Yamato toys. All I said was that Bandai is capable, if they wanted to, to make a good quality kit/ toy comparable to Yamato.
  8. I don't try to derail threads. But when someone bashes something I like, I will defend it. Just like how you guys are defending Macross. It works both ways buddy.
  9. Your opinion couldn't be more biased. Lol. Trying to be transformable? Pfft. On what grounds?? Gundam doesn't try to be Valks either. Generally the transformation for Gundams allow them to re enter the Earth's atmosphere with out extra armor/ equipment and without having it burn up during re entry. It also allows them to move at a higher rate of speed and have better stability at said speed for long trips. It doesn't transform just for the sake of transforming. The VF is fighter designed to transform into battroid to perform certain tasks that fighter mode can not. A transformable Gundam is a robot designed to transform to perform certain task that robot mode can not. Both serve a purpose but I just think that the way the VF-1 transform is lame just like how you think the Zeta's transformation is lame. So I ask again, on what grounds are they "entirely different things"??
  10. A nuke or any missile with an integrated fold system would be so awesome. Long range enemy fleets wouldn't know what hit them.
  11. It seems to be Bandai at the moment. It's believed that we will only get cheap toys and maybe models. I for one wishes that Bandai surprises us all and give us good quality kickass big scale toys/ models.
  12. It does make it more plausible. Maybe it's because I'm not an old school hardcore Macross fan but it looks just plain dorky IMO. Lol.
  13. Battroids besides the YF/VF-19, YF-21, VF-22 and VF-25 looks like ass IMO. I prefer my mechs to look badass in ALL forms. The VF-25 did that perfectly.
  14. You'll eventually run out of energy as well unless you have some sort of generator. A energy blast goes in a straight line unlike missiles that lock on.
  15. The Zeta 1.0 is very floppy and shields are suppose to big so it can give you more coverage area. It's personal preference and whether you like the design or not. IMO the VF-1 has a lame transformation because you can clearly tell it's a fighter to begin with. You have the top half of the fighter as the chest/ back, the engines as the legs and the arms are tucked underneath the fighter.
  16. And folding in half and having the legs and arms swing out into place is any better? Zeta transformation. It's a bit more complicated than what you described.
  17. badboy00z

    Leftover Missiles

    You can probably make your own.
  18. Does anyone else want some pilot figures? I think that would be pretty cool since they already have Rei and Asuka. I wouldn't mind an Isamu figure.
  19. I like to see a VF-19 Excalibur too.
  20. The VF-25's head looks like the head of the robot guy in Ex Machina.
  21. I'd much rather prefer VF-19 S shoulders.
  22. The more I look at the VF-25, the more awesome it gets. Lol.
  23. I agree. Looks like a rabbit the way it is now. Lol. In your opinion, do you think it would have waist movement?
  24. That's because the VF-25's design isn't as "radical" compared to the YF-19/ YF-21. I like it that way because something new doesn't always have to be more radical than its predecessor to make it superior. Makes it more interesting IMO.
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