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Everything posted by badboy00z

  1. That's awesome. I just barely started to get into 3D modeling. Which program do you use?
  2. "RP-51 ACTIVE STEALTH SYSTEM: The SV-51 is equipped with a brand new and revolutionary stealth system that when activated render the aircraft almost invisible to standard sensors such a radar. Unlike passive stealth systems like those used by the USAF F-117, the SV-51's stealth system is an ACTIVE stealth that actually bends radar waves around the fighter rather than reflecting them. When activated this system gives the SV-51 a +2 to initiative and a +1 to strike at all times. NOTE: Since the SV-51's stealth capability is a system,(the primary part of the system is an antennae which runs along the circumference of the nose,) and not a design feature, it can be damaged or destroyed. Once the aircraft has lost half of its main body MDC, there is a 50% chance that the stealth system will fail every time the main body of the SV-51 is hit. Once the stealth system has failed it will not work again until repaired at the fighters base." From Macrossroleplay.org
  3. badboy00z

    VF Girls

    VF-19 Fire Valkyrie. Boommmbbberrrr!
  4. I just noticed that there isn't really a lot fan art in this "fan works" section. There are some nice wallpapers and original space cruiser designs but where are all the custom drawn valkyries? I'm interested in what you guys would come up with if you were to design your very own valkyries.
  5. Hmmm, maybe it's just the angle but the sucked in gut on the Hikaru type VF-25 is more apparent then the Focker type.
  6. Can you post scans of the instructions?
  7. Nobody has this kit or an average price range?
  8. It does look a lot like the SV-51. The way the VF-25 transforms is more like the YF-19 IMO. The nose on both makes the front of the chest and the cockpit on both is vertical with the canopy facing the back of the battroid.
  9. Are you good at drawing with just a pencil or can you only draw with CAD? I'm bad at drawing and was wondering if it is easier to do it in CAD.
  10. Is it going to be fully scratch built? What kind of material will you be using for this scratch built toy? Usually when someone scratch builds something, it's usually more of a model since model grade the plastics are easier to work with. Where would one find sheets of toy quality ABS, PVC, etc? I guess if you have some CAD skills and access to a rapid prototyping machine, a machine to make molds, and a plastic injection machine, you can pull of a scratch built toy.
  11. Bandai's Super Detailed 1/32 Perfect Transformation VF-25 with Fast Pack, Super and Full Armor Deluxe!! Lol.
  12. OT: Where do I find pictures of VF-1 to VF-24? I know there are VF-1,2, 4, 9, 11, 17, 19, 22. Are the ones in between only mentioned but didn't get screen time/ concept arts drawn?
  13. How much would you guys pay for one of these brand new? Also if anyone has one built, can you post some pictures?
  14. Needs to have caps for those screw holes.
  15. Wonder if they're individually jointed at the main knuckle.
  16. Well I'm pretty sure we won't get any toys until after the series have been aired for sometime. I would love to be proved wrong by whoever is going to make them though. Lol.
  17. Maybe the 25th anniversary edition is fixed.
  18. Here's my attempt at a lego VF-25. It's not very accurate and does not transform but it's the best that I can come up with with the limited parts that I have.
  19. That's a kickass scheme.
  20. There's a typo on the fan art section under the concept VF-25 sketch.
  21. Well think of it this way. If Bandai gives us a kickass big scale VF-25, you'd have to forgive them. Lol.
  22. Maybe it's just me but the Macross F page is gone. Anyone else gets the 404 error?
  23. The green mono eye looks to be the main camera. Also looks like it has head vulcan guns.
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