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Everything posted by badboy00z

  1. There's going to be Aliens??
  2. No way man. 1/32 would be interesting.
  3. Anyone else prefer the model finish kind of paint job with shading and weather? I think that would look cool.
  4. This is what I drive.
  5. So those are still not completely RROD free?
  6. Is there a way to tell whether or not a xbox 360 elite has the upgraded hardware before you buy it and open it up??
  7. Maybe we'll get new Mac 7 toys and kits later if the sales for Mac F merchandise goes well.
  8. That's pretty small then. I like my action figures to be 6-10 inches.
  9. That would be awesome. FSS is so limited to expensive resin and small IP kits. What's the difference between SOC and SPEC??
  10. I can't wait for these to come out! I like how there's a sign that says "Don't take photographs." Lol.
  11. They do look cool. How big are they?
  12. I want to see some Megaman, Marvel Super Heroes, Trigun and Dragon Ball Z revoltechs. I doubt a Marvel line will happen though.
  13. Not sure if these are new...
  14. Sweet, I was wondering if they'll ever do Street Fighter and now they are.
  15. I wonder if that liquid armor can be used on cars to prevent paint chips, scratches, and dents.
  16. I personally think it's just the style of art in that era. You guys are reading too much into it. Lol.
  17. badboy00z

    Almost Done!!

    There's yet to be a Fire Valkyrie custom though.
  18. And he handles the 19 so well with modified guitar controls. Lol.
  19. That blue doesn't really float my boat but over all it's nice none the less. I personally would have gone with the Tamiya TS-51 Racing Blue or the TS-64 Dark Mica Blue.
  20. I dying to know what they have planned.
  21. badboy00z


    Looks like the VF-11 without the canards.
  22. Will you be filling in the seam lines? Also so a clear coat would help prevent major paint scratches.
  23. Yeah, he said he'll post more pictures when he's done. Don't know when that's going to be though.
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