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Everything posted by badboy00z

  1. That's because he was just dreaming about his past. I get what you're saying though. If there are no parallel universes... When he killed Andy, all of his memories of Andy from the future would be gone. The moment Andy died, Derek shouldn't know who he just killed. But if there are parallel universes, the teenage Derek of the present would've never met Andy.
  2. Kenshin figures would be cool too.
  3. Well, the blue ranger (the kid one) from Power Rangers grew taller when he morphs.
  4. That part was pretty powerful. But it's weird how John is older than his father. Time travel really farts things up.
  5. Anyone want to do a stop motion transformation of a YF-19? Here's a cool stop motion skit.
  6. Old.
  7. VF-25 Raiden.
  8. Tobey Maguire?
  9. So would it be safe to say that without Gundam, we wouldn't have Macross?? It's kind of ironic how people are bashing Gundam when Kawamori himself is a fan.
  10. Did you expect them to wear business suits? Because I don't. They're not lawyers or reps of some marketing firm. They make toys. Who's the client in this case? Kawamori? I don't think so. The fans are the clients. It's not a plug at all IMO. It's just what they wear. They'll be wearing the same thing regardless of what series they're making toys for.
  11. The real question is, would anyone have made a fuss if their company uniform was themed after another series that they made toys for. My guess is that no one would've cared or noticed.
  12. I think these 1/72 kits might be MG kits seeing how it's close to the size of a 1/100 AU Gundam.
  13. What's the point of having an inside info guy if we can't get anything worthwhile? Why give Graham a product earlier if he can't give us pictures and info about it? Is it just a tactic they use to hype it up and tease us??
  14. Probably it didn't do as well as they predicted. And besides, that show is no where near as epic as Macross since it was a new show.
  15. From what I understand, they are at the Bandai office so why wouldn't they be wearing their uniform even if it's a publicity shoot for Macross?? Doesn't make sense at all IMO. What do you expect them to wear?? Macross flight suits?? All he's saying is that Kawamori is a fan of Gundam and has designed a few mobile suits. The little thought bubbles in those pictures are stupid. Why would he bash the company that makes the models and sponsor the shows of what he is interested in? And you're right about no other company making any products for Gundam. But I would bet that Yamato would do to same if they were the "founding father" of Macross and have the financial power to do so. Speaking from a business view point, why would you want to let other companies in on your cash cow?? You'd want to monopolize it and make all the money for yourself.
  16. Here's what I don't understand. Bandai is the major sponsor of MF and they're spending lots of money on it. If they didn't predict that the show would be a big hit, why did they sponsor it in the first place? If they're predicting a big hit, there is obvious potential to make money with toys and models. Why on earth would they disappoint the fan base with crappy merchandise?? Do you really think that they are so evil and devious that they would sponsor the show and not give their 100% in the merchandise just to tick off the fans?? Sure Bandai had the license for M7 and dicked us with the toys but did they spend as much money on it than MF?? Did Kawamori work as closely during M7 than he is now?? "Oh I don't have faith in Bandai because the M7 toys sucked." What are some toys in the era of M7 that was close to what Yamato or any other toy companies gives us now?? The old 1/72 Yamato valks doesn't look any better than Bandai's 1/55 valks IMO. I don't see how it's possible for Bandai to f' up and not give us something equal or better than Yamato. If Yamato can do it, so can Bandai. It's not hard for them to get a 1/60 YF-19 and see how it works and then use their own engineering ingenuity and design an even better one. Kawamori is working closely with the team so there is no way in hell he'll let something less than Yamato quality go into production. And no one knows how his creations transform better than he does obviously so I have no doubt that it will be a true perfect transformation. Bandai has made MG models besides Gundam. Patlabor is the obvious one and Dunbine was another. All of which where up to par with the Gundams. With that said, the 1/72 MF models just might be MG kits seeing how a 1/72 valk would be about the same size as a 1/100 AU Gundam.
  17. All this hate for Bandai and taking jabs at them is really immature IMO. I'm sure with Kawamori working closely with the team, he won't let anything that he doesn't like go into production. Bandai is already spending lots of money sponsoring the show so why would they f' it up with crappy toys and models? It's just another chance to make even more money. Would you yamato fanboys still worship them regardless if their products still contain loads of QC problems?
  18. That's what I'm talking about. I want to see more of that from other people. I sadly don't have to skills to draw what I have in mind. Lol.
  19. Also I don't see why it's bad for news/ photo to leek out before release. Are they afraid that we will not buy it after seeing more and more pictures because we got bored of it??
  20. Graham, how did you end up being a PR guy for yamato anyways?
  21. Hell yeah for the Robocop suggestion.
  22. The queen alien would be badass.
  23. If that's the case then the Alien should be the large revy and the Marines should be the regular sized ones.
  24. Graham, do you get Yamato products earlier and free??
  25. It's not obvious but there are hints.
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