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Everything posted by badboy00z

  1. The RG Sinanju is what the MASTER grade should have been.
  2. DOFP already spoiled that they beat Apocalypse since everybody was alive when Logan wakes up at the school. Also it was Raven disguised at Stryker that fished Logan out of the river after Magneto impaled him with rebar and then saying something along the lines of "I'll take care of him". Did she help Logan and then the events of or part of Wolverine: Origins happened? Are the different movies not canon to each other? WTF? lol
  3. Why couldn't Bandai have made the MG Sinanju with separate gold/ black pieces like the RG?? And what are the chances they will release a 2.0 with said separate gold/ black pieces?
  4. So when's season 3? lol While I like that the episodes of these Netflix series gets released all at once I go through them too fast. I somewhat binge watched this season and I'm longing for more.
  5. Is that Trevor from GTA5? lol
  6. Huge WTF at the end of the last episode. But it sounded like Daryl when the voice said "you'll be alright."
  7. I'm not sure if this was ever brought up but in the original trilogy, Vader has never laid eyes on R2D2 and C3PO has he? Given such bond he had with the two how would that have affected Vader had he seen them?
  8. Will the scented ones work or should I just stick with the plain one?
  9. Hey guys, I haven't been able to find Future Floor Polish at my local stores. I know Pledge makes it and I've seen Pledge Floor Care. Question is, are they the same thing?
  10. My MG Sinanju OVA came in today. Now I just have to hurry up and finish the Nu.
  11. Thanks! I'm not that big of a fan of copper color. I wouldn't know where to use it really and replacing the gold with copper wouldn't look as good IMO. It took some thinking on how to separate the colors as I didn't want too much of one color in one area. The feet looked bland after doing the legs so I added the silver and gold which wasn't originally planned but it turned out nice.
  12. I have a MG Sinanju OVA ver coming and I'm planning on the gloss black, Alclad chrome and clear yellow for the trim and emblems and clear red for the armor to get the "titanium" look. Most of the gold pieces have a silver base and then the metallic gold. The gold is Krylon metallic brass. lol. I will be doing the armor but it would be a shame to cover up the frame. haha I have decided to not paint the white because spray painting white sucks. Not entirely sure if I'll paint the dark blue pieces in German Grey like I originally planned.
  13. Finished the inner frame of the Nu Ver. Ka. Overall I'm pretty satisfied with it considering I have never attempted this level of detail on a kit before. The gold wasn't how I wanted it to come out but I had to roll with what I got.
  14. Just saw a guy on YouTube use Tamiya's metallic gold spray paint and it looks like (under his lighting) the shade of gold I wanted. Only problem is that it cost $20+ a can. Why is it so expensive??
  15. The final battle was lame. After watching it I was like "is that it...?"
  16. I just watched this tutorial on panel lining with water based pens. Looks super easy with good results. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YihQzzr_hcA How do I embed the video in post? I can't seem to figure it out. lol Does HLJ offer individual runners of kits for sale? I vaguely remember that they do or did at one point.
  17. Got it. I was having an issue with the primer rubbing off when cleaning panel lines.
  18. Does it have to be a gloss coat? Would a painted/ primed surface work too? I know the decal wouldn't really stick on bare plastic.
  19. Has anyone here ever used Future floor polish as a clear coat? Seen a few videos on YouTube and it works just as good as purpose clear coat at a fraction of the cost.
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