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Everything posted by badboy00z

  1. Well the VF-1 smashed into concrete and can still fly...ECA FTW.
  2. I'm surprised that there aren't any new pictures of the Vajra kit. As for the 25, I'll wait awhile after it's released and reviews are written. It's not like it's a limited run and there will be kits available later down the road.
  3. I wonder if the latest pictures are what we'll get for the final thing?
  4. It did look similar but that one had legs like the big vajra and it had the BFG looking spike thing.
  5. Anyone else notice the third source of thrust in the VF-25 gerwalk mode?
  6. They do stick out a bit but it'll probably look better if they were posed angled up.
  7. IAD are you working on any new projects?
  8. Maybe they were ECA equipped speaker pods. Lol.
  9. I'd buy a pink one. Lol.
  10. I don't think so. The forearm is too skinny and the hands are a bit big. Unless someone has line art that shows the bottom of the craft we can't know for sure.
  11. It still doesn't look as lanky as the line art. I wonder if it will still change at this point.
  12. A PG Valk would need to be at least 1/48 scale to benefit from PG tech. I would definitely buy it if there was one.
  13. A MG valk can't take full advantage of the recent MG tech (full frame and super poseable) that Bandai has put out due to the design nature of valkyries. Although I am a Bandai supporter I do wish that Yamato can make the 25 after seeing the 21.
  14. Which episode was this??
  15. Who's going to be doing a custom paint job??
  16. So what kind of fuel do Valks run on??
  17. Was the glowing thing at the end related to the birdman?? And sounder boosters FTW! Lol. So was that one eyed guy Kamjin??
  18. The curved surfaces like the nose and canopy would be the hardest to make IMO. It would either have to be vacuum formed or sculpted and casted in resin. This site has some scratch built fighters but I don't know how he does it.
  19. So a "model" for you is something you have to glue (non snap), fill/ putty, sand, prime and paint? IMO Bandai has made so many engineering advances that makes the hobby easier and less stressful. They give you an option of whether or not to build a kit OOB. All of the most impressive works are custom jobs and require hours and hours of work. Just because they are easy to put together doesn't make them any less of a model. Bandai eliminated the need to glue, fill obvious seem lines, and masking. Those needs came about due to plain and simple engineering. Action figures are toys. Toys do not come in plastic trees in which you have to cut and assemble.
  20. That fighter design doesn't look variable IMO.
  21. You don't consider Gunpla as models?
  22. But VF do get hit in the back as well and if you look at the line art, the cockpit is left unprotected from the bottom and the rear fuselage is the only thing that covers the cockpit.
  23. I think those are the same prototypes we've all seen, just in different context. They look awesome though.
  24. Also with the way the 25 transforms, the pilot is really vulnerable if it was attacked from below or from the back. The only thing that protects the cockpit is the rear fuselage.
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