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Everything posted by badboy00z

  1. I'm curious as to why Japan don't have anything more hi tech. I mean, they have all the cool new gadgets and electronics. They should've already have a YF-21 replica fighter. Lol.
  2. What does the Japanese have as their latest hi tech fighter?
  3. Yeah but the line art and animation does have the crotch set at an angle...
  4. Both of those are pretty repetitive. Just new visuals and songs. I do like the freestyle drums though. I always thought that it would be a cool feature to have and now they do.
  5. What? Bandai does have the crotch set at an angle.
  6. Should've gotten a prenup. Never should've gotten married in the first place.
  7. I'm more excited about The Force Unleashed. Game looks awesome.
  8. The top view of the YF-24 reminds me of the Super Sylph from Yukikaze. I actually prefer the wings of the SS over the 25. Not sure how it would look in battroid mode though.
  9. Also kind of reminds me of Gun X Swords Armors.
  10. I wonder if the FA will come with spring loaded missiles...Lol. What would really be cool is if each armor part is spring loaded so it pops off like in the anime. Lol.
  11. I thought he was going to help those people when that happened but I was disappointed.
  12. That hinge on the chest plate looks out of place. I know that's how it can lock in fighter mode but I wish they can come up with something better looking.
  13. The feet resembles that of the VF-25.
  14. I would like to see an OVA prequel that shows the events of the 117th fleet, the first encounter of the Vajra, and Ozma as a rookie in NUNS.
  15. I wonder if they'll be making the 27 and the 171. I hope they do.
  16. I don't see a lot of add on packs from Bandai. They're mostly B-club resin kits for Gundam. They'll probably won't release them separately so you have to buy the fighter again. Lol.
  17. I just pre-ordered from BBTS. Now to wait 4 more months. At least I'll have time to save and I'll be getting a raise in 2 months. Lol.
  18. How does the Vajra control the ships? It'd be funny to see a red one manning controls and such.
  19. So I was watching some F1 racing and thought that the F1 cars are pretty similar to fighter crafts to some extent. I think it would be cool to see a VF-25 inspired F1 racer. Anyone want to take a stab at it?
  20. The fighter looks better w/o the stripes on the head IMO. It would look weird in battroid mode though.
  21. Did the YF-19 have to move its shield when transforming?
  22. That's what I was thinking. Lol.
  23. It did have the their logo on it didn't it? Maybe it has other purposes like getting ride of space debris or something.
  24. That's not the crotch. And Ideally, Ozma's will come with the FA and Alto's will come with the super pack. I rather just have the normal Ozma's type though.
  25. Just like Guld, he will realize what he was doing was wrong. Although I'm not sure Brera knows exactly who Ranka is. I remember him asking himself why he cares so much about "that girl". I'm guessing that he lost his memory just like Ranka and Grace is using him for whatever she's planning.
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