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Everything posted by badboy00z

  1. I didn't like Iron Fist as much as I did with the other 3. It reminds me too much of Arrow with the whole billionaire kid back from "the dead" and fights evil.
  2. What kind of moron do you have to be to touch an alien life form and not expect something bad is going to happen?
  3. Anyone want to buy my 1st release Ozuma VF-25?
  4. I missed out on the re release on the 1/6 one but I pre ordered the new 1/12 one.
  5. He could beaten those guys without damaging the restaurant. lol Does this take place before, during or after the events of Jessica Jones?
  6. I didn't notice Batman continued to laugh while The Joker stopped until Jeremy Jahns mentioned it in his review.
  7. So I bit the bullet and got the Spiderman DX version after watching a few reviews saying the joints are tighter then the original release. Unfortunately the figure is still a floppy mess...Other than that it's a good looking figure with good articulation except for the shoulders. I like how the chest is made of a softer material but it's too bad they didn't give it a butterfly shoulder joint so he can get the arms across the chest.
  8. The cape attachment on Superman looks iffy. That's my main concern.
  9. Anyone here have the Amazing Spiderman 2 figure? I want to get him but lots of reviews says the joints are really loose.
  10. I preordered Superman from BBTS so hopefully they get it in soon. Do they have different release dates for different countries? I noticed that Amazon had it in stock for awhile albeit at a a high price. I usually wait for reviews but I really want a good articulated Superman and this one looks to be the best.
  11. Anyone else want a The Matrix and Pulp Fiction line?? lol It's only a matter of time before we get a couple more Superman figuarts right? I'm not a big fan of the Injustice design.
  12. I got the Civil War Captain American and Iron Man. Both have really loose joints. For Cap his right foot is super loose and the hips are a bit loose. Iron Man's top and bottom torso joints are floppy so I can't get him to stay in a flight pose without his legs falling down. I'm planning on putting some nail polish on the torso joints. Any other suggestions on how I can tighten loose joints?
  13. I know this is a Figma thread but what are everyone's opinion on Bandai's SH Figuarts line? I just ordered the Obi Wan Kenobi, Civil War Captain Merica and Iron Man.
  14. I can't seem to find good copies of season 2. Eztv on pirate bay does seem to have them.
  15. Just finished 3 episodes and it's pretty interesting. I'm getting a Heroes vibe to it. The sex between JJ and Luke is funny. Does Kilgrave's power only work if the victim hears his commands or can he do it via psychic powers like Prof X?
  16. This may or may not have been covered. Was the contraption that destroyed the pyramid intentionally put there? Who was the genius that thought it was a good idea to design the contraption that would make bringing down the whole pyramid so easy?
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