"Gundam" markers are what a lot of people use. You can either use paint thinner, rubbing alcohol or lighter fluid to remove the excess.
Another method is called the "wash". Thin some paint so it's like milk consistency. Dab some on the plastic and let it run down the panel lines. Wipe off excess.
Anyone else see this? It's just freaking awesome. If I had a $100,000 (rough price), I would so buy this. If only it can VTOL, I can take it to and from work. No more traffic. Lol.
The newer MG kits have tabs in the hands and holes in the weapons to secure them.
The nose seem to curve/ droop way too much.
Things I'd like to see fixed.
1) Lower the hip joint so the intakes are parallel with the crotch piece. IMO that would make it look a whole lot better.
2) Make the crotch piece a bit smaller.
3) Hide the landing gear bay door hinges on the legs.
4) Longer neck.
5) Things that others have mentioned.
6) Covers for all the screw holes.
This whole time travel thing still confuses me. I mean, the whole thing is just a never ending lop. And the fact that John's older than his father is just weird.
Besides the short landing gear and the legs hanging too low (because it's not snapped into place/ it's still a prototype) fighter mode doesn't look all that bad IMO.
Bandai market research should really visit forums such as this one. I mean, the real fans of anime series usually belong to forums. Do they expect someone not familiar with the series to buy the toys if they just saw it at a store?