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Everything posted by badboy00z

  1. Those SRW moves are badass. I love the SD mechas.
  2. Looks awesome. Love the gunpod. I like how it doesn't have the stupid torpedo shape/ fin thing.
  3. Anyone have some cool dogfight videos yet?
  4. Maybe because it's remastered??
  5. The pilot of the VF-22 seems very vulnerable in battroid mode. There's barely any heat shield.
  6. Whatever happened to the "send pictures to mod first before posting" rule?
  7. They obviously haven't seen the end of T2 then. John, his kid and Sarah was at a park and John looked to be in his late 30s or so. It would be a continuity if they hadn't shown that part.
  8. Maybe the lazy photographer just didn't position them right. I really doubt they will release something that has an obvious gap like that.
  9. But he has Sylar's ability of knowing how things work. Sylar kills just so he can have the powers.
  10. I'm just wondering if they'll make improvements on the later releases. I want just the Ozma version but I'm not sure if a V2 will ever happen.
  11. So in the future where Kyle came from, he is not the father of future John. At the end of T2, John is much older than the John of T3. T3 could've only happened if the ending of T2 was different. The events of SCC never happened in T2's continuity. Judgment Day still could've happened but it wouldn't be like T3 or SCC.
  12. Except for the fact that he was shot in the chest.
  13. Not cute at all IMO.
  14. No one else has a problem with the landing gear bay door hinges on the legs?? It's a freaking eye sore for me. Yamato managed to hide their hinges I can't see why Bandai can't.
  15. The Terminator series should've ended with T2. We saw John as a father at the end. T3 is not cannon IMO.
  16. I also wondered why future Peter has a scar and how he can die. Also why is it that every time the victim knocks out a bad guy, they run away? Especially with someone like Sylar. The hero always makes the mistake of not finishing the job. 1) Mohinder not grabbing the gun and shooting Sylar in the head when he was knocked out after he killed Peter. 2) Hiro and Claire not cutting off/ stab his head. 3) Noah not shooting him in the head. WTF is wrong with them? Sylar wanted to have all that power to satisfy his "hunger" so he killed. Peter doesn't need to kill to obtain power so why would Peter need to cut Nathan's head open?
  17. While that will be faster and easier, it would leave the places where it's connected to the sprue different from the rest of the parts. Also the flash needs to the sanded down and that might screw up your weathering.
  18. Since acrylics are water based they tend to not coat properly if the part is not primed. I would suggest you wash the parts and apply some primer before the actual paint job. I personally like to use lacquer paints. They dry faster and sticks without primer but it's harder to clean up and more harmful to your health.
  19. Awesome. Do you do commissions? If so how much?
  20. Try the modeling forum.
  21. Maybe you can try lowering the hips.
  22. The buttons on the control stick seem to be pressure sensitive that controls how much the fingers move. We saw that in episode one.
  23. So do you actually get to take down a Star Destroyer or is it just a cut scene??
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