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Everything posted by badboy00z

  1. It's still not confirmed.
  2. Sucks that they didn't release the Ivanov version with all the fixes.
  3. An Ace Combat style Macross game would be cool.
  4. The X-36 could be like the YF-21 in terms of transformation?
  5. I personally bought a used PS2 copy so I can return it when I'm done. I feel that there was lack of content compared to the PS3 version. I haven't played it but from the videos I saw on youtube, there was some things missing on a few missions.
  6. I rather get a continuation of the story than a retelling. But if it means we'll get toys of the movie variants of the Valks with all the fixes to the sculpt then I'm all for it.
  7. I'm guessing GN-U frames.
  8. So I just beat the game. Did I miss something or are there just one ending for the PS2 version? I was like "wtf?" while watching the cut scene after I fought Vader.
  9. Just got the PS2 version. Pretty fun tossing things. I played a little bit of the PS3 demo and I like the controls on that one better. I don't like how the push and grip is the same button on the PS2. Also you can't charge your force push. You can move objects up and down on the PS3 version right? Not just left/ right, forward/ backwards. Graphics aren't that great either. If only it was on par with MGS:2/3. It glitches sometimes too. I often see floating dead stormtroopers.
  10. Maybe his power is to remove the genetic code and give it to himself.
  11. That includes the 25th anniversary edition right?
  12. I actually prefer different sets of hands. Articulated hands aren't that poseable unless it's the hands from PG kits.
  13. Which version of the YF-19 has all the fixes?
  14. I'm sure the head just isn't pulled up all the way. My only gripe is the hip placement, long ankles (probably don't have to pull it all the way out) and the hinge on the shin. Besides that I think it looks pretty good. I too wish for a magical fix of everything when released. Lol.
  15. I know it's a ratio but what unit did you use to calculate them. Like for each Kg (or pound) of the fighter there's X amount of thrust in Kg (or pound).
  16. Does the leg attachment of the Super Pack carry missiles?
  17. Mr. March, what units are you using in the thrust to weight ratio chart?
  18. Maybe the rear seat just rotates?
  19. How does one calculate acceleration/ speed given thrust and weight only? Is it possible or does there need to be other variables?
  20. I wonder if complete mecha specs will be in the new Newtype.
  21. I wonder how much the whole collection will cost when it's done. Lol. Anyone have scans of the ones available so far?
  22. That black stand could be the stand for the Quarter.
  23. Does AFOS stand for Alien from Outer Space?
  24. I think it's a shame that Bandai didn't follow Hasegawa's approach and give us schematic views.
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