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Everything posted by badboy00z

  1. How many cm or inches will the VF-25 battroid be?
  2. That actually looks pretty good despite the high hips. Does the paint on the front of the thigh bother anyone else?? What kind of revolver is that in the background?
  3. IMO movie Wolverine doesn't need a mask.
  4. Stealth in space can be easily remedied with bogus sci-fi tech just like OT. The GN particles in Gundam 00 is a perfect example.
  5. That looks awesome. Can you do a Super Sylph style wing on the 25? I think that would be even more awesome because I love the shape of it.
  6. Sheryl's microphone looks like a lightsaber hilt. Lol.
  7. The Chinese character for "girl" is in his name. Lol.
  8. With an option to say it in Japanese. And a VS mode where you get to play as the enemy or Gamlin and try to shoot down Basara.
  9. There's some more images on that site that I want to see. Is there a way you can sign up an account for MW so everyone can search the site?
  10. Yes. It will be like Rock Band with the addition of motion sensor to dodge enemy fire. Lol.
  11. The 2 ports can still have 40 if the magazines were bigger.
  12. Someone photoshop "It's a TRAP!" on one of those. Lol.
  13. Does the Vajra even use traditional RADAR? The VF-171 having passive stealth or not doesn't really matter IMO.
  14. I want to see some macross cosplay like these. It's both creepy and cool at the same time. Lol. Minmei??
  15. I thought about getting one too but it just looks so bad compared to the Yamatos these days.
  16. It clearly showed that the pods penetrates the cockpit and seals of it with foam. And I've never seen the bullets that bounces off and I just finished re watching the whole thing.
  17. While it was never mentioned in M7 as to how Basara got the Fire Valkyrie, it was the UN military who "gave" it to Ray and then to Basara. How else can a civilian get a hold of a top of the line fighter that's modified with speakers? After the war ended the UN realized the potential of song/ culture. Thus Project M(inmei) was in the works. Ray gives Basara the 19. With Basara being Basara he doesn't question why and just does his thing in battle. Those were I guess open experiments to see how far Basara can take it. Eventually it was proven that song can affect the enemy.
  18. That's most likely just a parody.
  19. Ranka's not 13.
  20. Why should that matter to you? If you're a normal guy who likes big breasted women then Ranka in a bikini wouldn't be loli to you because you don't find it attractive. Definition of "lolita" or "loli" is a desirable young girl. Only the eyes of the beholder can say whether one is a loli or not. So basically everyone who says so and so is a loli have a few secrets.
  21. I find it funny that through out the whole show he didn't remove the speaker pod from the screen. Also I just re watched over half the series on youtube. Lol. Where can I find the M7 OST? Can't find torrents of it....
  22. They've been doing that with Gundam kits for a long time.
  23. A character is only "loli" if you're attracted to them in that way IMO. If you're not then she's just another character who just so happen to be under aged.
  24. I hope we get a VF-19 Blazer Valkyrie soon.
  25. Looks awesome! Do you have a full front profile shot?
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