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Everything posted by badboy00z

  1. I like the fighter mode of the 171 more too but I don't like how the nose cone needs to fold in battroid mode.
  2. Will it be chunky in battroid mode? lol
  3. They are micro micro missiles. lol
  4. I don't think there are enough engines on that thing. It needs at least 2 more.
  5. Does the YF-29 come in a different color in the movie?
  6. Anyone else think the title is kind of weird?? They should have just named it Rise of the Apes.
  7. That's insane! lol
  8. Is that really a problem? It looks fine with it being all red IMO.
  9. Will the X Men anime be only 12 episodes like Iron Man and Wolverine??
  10. In the show there are covers that open to show the mouth when he sings. They probably could have integrate the neck cover but it wouldn't be flush with the rest of the fuselage.
  11. So has anyone been watching these 2 animes? I just got done with the Iron Man one and it was pretty cool. There are only 12 episodes though so I don't know if they will make more?
  12. Awesome!! Robocop was one of my all time favorite movie as a kid. Every time I watch the movies I would build a lego gun and pretend I was him. lol Can you take off his helmet??
  13. At least that way it's not likely the goods will get damaged.
  14. Is this from the movie? I haven't really been keeping up with the movie at all.
  15. Man...that looks pretty damn good. Is that a beam gun pod?
  16. It's too wide IMO. I like the Gallardo more.
  17. Question is...will they re release the VF-25 with these improvements?
  18. That battroid looks pretty good. Maybe it's the pose but it looks like they got the hips in the right place unlike the VF-25 DX.
  19. I rather watch a movie of that than to play the game.
  20. Not sure if these are from WF...
  21. And a set of bigger feet for anime accurate Battroid!! lol
  22. So...will there be more than this one Short "film"?? Like a series?? I hope so because it looks awesome! lol
  23. In fighter mode they are fine but in battroid it looks too small IMO.
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