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Everything posted by badboy00z

  1. I always thought the Repulsor lift tech from Star Wars was cool. The crafts just floats, no landing gear needed.
  2. Lightsabers under water, wouldn't the blade have bubbles all around it from the heat boiling the water?? lol
  3. I understand that but it just looks really weird with the ball joint and no other detail when the feet is extended all the way.
  4. Anybody else wish that the ankles are detailed like Bandai's YF-29?
  5. If what you say turns out to the true, I hope we can swap out the whole arm and leg because I want a VF-25 with the 29's shoulder armor, forearm guns and leg missiles.
  6. Do you have scans of those?
  7. Do the cockpits in the VF-25,27 and 29 rotate in battroid mode? Not on the toy but in the anime.
  8. Sweet. I wonder when it will be out??
  9. Does anyone else feel that most lightsabers look really uncomfortable to hold? lol
  10. I wonder if Bandai will try to reverse engineer Yamato's VF-17 to make their own VF-171. lol
  11. I just like the shoulders, shield, legs and gun pod. Can I get a VF-25 with only those changes? lol
  12. I've watched it twice and I don't ever recall it being mentioned.
  13. I want to know where he got his training from and how he was able to get such a high spec Valk as a civilian.
  14. How do you pronounce Battroid? Batt Roid? or Bat Troid? Is it an acronym for something like GERWALK?
  15. Or if someone is brave enough to take it apart and sand out the glossiness and refinish it in matte. lol
  16. How about make a scaled one for the 1/60 Kai? lol
  17. When can we expect the Blazer?? Will we get some teaser info and pictures like the Kai or will it just pop up?
  18. They should have made cover bits for the calves too. IMO having cover bits doesn't disqualify it as being perfect transformation.
  19. What was the preorder price at HLJ? What are the chances that the Blazer will get a pre order price?
  20. Graham, can you ask Yamato to give the Blazer clear visor and get rid of the gap in the chest in B mode? Does it look like the wings can be swapped out easily? I want a Blazer with the long skinny wings from the Kai. Never like the fat short one on the Blazer.
  21. Awesome pictures!!! Loved the transformation sequence. Now can we get a stop motion gif of the transformation??? After seeing those pictures I really want one! How long until we get the Blazer??
  22. The speaker pod gamma looks like a lightsaber. lol Looking at the new pics makes me want one.
  23. I was just looking at the chest gap in battroid mode and I thought, there's a lot of space there, why can't they fit a sliding neck cover in there?? lol
  24. They should make it a MP3 player preloaded with all the songs from M7. IMO it would be a boring piece of plastic if it didn't.
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