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Everything posted by badboy00z

  1. Probably not because there wouldn't be a corpse since he got eaten. Unless we find out the Dale was there watching from a afar.
  2. Man I wish I hadn't read the spoiler. lol How would Dale know Shane shot Otis??
  3. It's just a matter of time before the walkers in the barn gets loose. Then it will be interesting and fun. Anyone else find the cock hungry Andrea annoying? lol
  4. I wonder if we'll get some more decapitations with a big knife in this one.
  5. Sign into your account and you should be able to select your payment option.
  6. Damn I knew they kept walkers in the barn when Hershel told them to keep away from it.
  7. I want to see them fight. lol
  8. Anyone else think Laurie's new baby is Shane's??
  9. Is it just me or does it look kind of purple?
  10. Does the seat rotate with it transforms in the anime??
  11. What makes that so special that it costs $100??
  12. I wish the yellow would be darker.
  13. Looks like a lightsaber.
  14. Is that a good/ reputable place to order from?
  15. Did preorders at Amiami stop again? I don't see any buttons I can click. I see a preorder button but it's not clickable. lol
  16. Basara out pilots Gamlin. Even he admits it.
  17. Would the blazer cost more than $300 shipped to the states with FedEx?? Can someone who bought the fire Valk from HLJ shine some light on this?
  18. Is that 20% cheaper shipping for just SAL/ EMS or is it for FedEx too? I haven't ordered from HLJ for many many years. Is FedEx going to cost more than SAL and EMS?? The feet is too small. lol
  19. Sweet! When does it come out and when does the pre orders start??
  20. Hmm looks like the intake vents flips up.
  21. Yeah...all the Aston Martins look the same. I honestly can't tell the difference between their models at all. lol
  22. Anyone else think that they should have tried a little harder to make that car look more unique rather than just a stretched out Exige?
  23. This is freaking awesome: Cockpit view
  24. The Rock still wrestles? Does he still do the people's elbow/ eye brow and the rock bottom??
  25. I wouldn't worry about that. Bandai's infamous for milking molds. lol
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