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Everything posted by badboy00z

  1. I wonder if they will keep the original theme song?
  2. Now that is more Robocopish. I'd prefer a thicker visor though. Or maybe like on the VF-19S.
  3. What about discharging fire arms in side buildings and them hearing just fine right after? I shot a .357 mag out in the open with no hearing protection and my ears rang for a good 30 minutes. The only time they showed the affect of discharging a fire arm in a confined space was when Rick was inside the tank.
  4. Would Hot Toys be able to make TWD figures??
  5. Not sure if this is appropriate or not since it's not about TWD but it is zombie related... If a zombie outbreak really did happen, would you be able to survive in your city/ town without having to "get out of dodge"? I actually live in Georgia. North end to be exact and I run a little country c-store about 13 miles from the main town. We stock a good bit of ammo and have a few guns and a friend who also runs a c-store 10 miles from mine has even more guns and ammo. Food, water and shelter wouldn't be a problem for us but the main concern is defending our stores from human hostiles which I am sure there would be plenty around my area. If this isn't appropriate for this thread mods can just delete it.
  6. WTF? Are they...zombies? It doesn't look very good IMO.
  7. Definitely the most powerful episode thus far IMO. Just speechless after watching it.
  8. The better question is, why did that M4 not have BUIS??
  9. I really like episode 3. Nice break from Rick's group. I never read the comics so I don't know anything about the Governor but I wasn't expecting him to be so twisted.
  10. I'm actually surprised that she isn't dead yet. lol
  11. I know right...was the zombie smart enough to hide and ambush him? One thing I've been thinking about is whether animals reanimate or not. Would be interesting if they did but that would be too much like Resident Evil and even more hell the survivors.
  12. Being around dead guys must be getting to him. Lol And an old guy like him shouldn't have gone with the group anyway. He can't save his own leg...
  13. Oh look. An intact dead guy sitting down, let me walk by it and see if it'll bite. Also the idea of a zombie baby eating Lori from the inside is pretty cool and I'd like to see that. lol
  14. In China, people have a total disregard for their own lives and others. Back in 2006 I visited my Dad and driving there scared the crap out of me. People would often run red lights and stop signs. People on scooters will run right into traffic without looking. Often times there would be 3-4 people (including kids) or maybe even more on ONE scooter and it is common to see dead people on the side of the road. My uncle told me that one time he was walking down the street and saw a dead guy with his head split open and a wrecked scooter. He said it looked like someone had smashed some tomatoes on the pavement. Lol. My dad told me that a scooter which had 3 people on it ran into him which caused them to fall over. He had to pay them to not call the police and they are the ones who was wrong. Luckily no one died...
  15. That is freaking epic. I really like the long haired samurai looking cyborg. I wonder if Snake will have a cameo?
  16. Will this one pick up where the last one left off with him not knowing who he is?
  17. Well...he did have a jet pack in 3 so transportation that is specifically made for him isn't anything new. lol
  18. What I want to know is if he will have his gun stored in his thigh like the original. That was one of the coolest things about Robo when I was a kid.
  19. Can't watch the video because it's "private". Got any other links?
  20. Would there be an issue where Captain China and Captain American meet and fight or team up? I wouldn't imagine so because of legal issues but that would be cool to see. lol
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