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Everything posted by badboy00z

  1. How come Trunks and Goten don't have tails??
  2. Yeah...just from watching the first half of the video posted above it's like what you said. The shorten fight scenes sucks. lol
  3. I just finished watching it and I must say it was pretty good. Different from the anime in terms of the timeline but that is to be expected. I was kind of disappointed that Kenshin didn't fight Aoshi and complete absence of him actually. I guess that was to avoid all the "Title of the Strongest" obsession and all the background of Aoshi that had to be covered in order for it to make sense to the audience. Also they couldn't capture the strength of the relationship between Kenshin and Kaoru. It seems like they just met 2 days ago and now Kaoru completely understands Kenshin and why he doesn't kill and was able to break free from the shinoipo. But yet again that was to be expected from trying to fit that many episodes into 2 hours.
  4. While it's kind of entertaining (see those cute girls pillow/ water balloon fighting) it is also kind of dumb as the outcome can be written differently. Though I don't think Batman would get killed by Wolverine he would certainly have a hard time dealing with him and probably would be forced to retreat. For Superman VS Thor, I think Superman will have trouble because he is vulnerable to magic and both their strength is about the same. I wonder if Superman is worthy enough to wield Mjolnir?
  5. I just finished watching Kai. Will they continue to do the rest of it or just stop where they did??
  6. Not sure if this was mentioned before but now that Shane Black is directing, would there be any conflict between him and Jon since he plays as Happy?
  7. I'm confused...is the colorful armor War Machine or the Iron Patriot? In the link posted earlier they showed a still that reads Lt Col James Rhodes on the side of the thigh armor. Those aren't breasts. They're its arms.
  8. The trailer looks awesome! Amekakeru Ryu No Hirameki It's probably CGI'd with wirlwind effects or something. IMO the story got kind of boring after the Shishio arc which I consider the climax of the series. And the whole son of god arc is just ridiculous IMO.
  9. Interesting... Will Smith still looks really young. Lol
  10. Like everyone has said he uses his heat vision and a mirror in the comics. Though it doesn't really make sense to me because the heat needed to burn his hair would melt the mirror? Maybe in the movie they'll go with a Kryptonian blade (Smallville reference) or he just scratches it off with his fingernails like Hancock. lol
  11. That looks pretty good and I can't wait to see it. Who was he fighting?? I wonder what direction the video game will take?
  12. I doubt he'll give up that easily. I wonder what he'd done to get in prison?
  13. Who else thinks that the inmate will get killed by Carl for trying to rape Beth?
  14. The suit without the red shorts still looks weird to me. I don't really care for the "making it more modernized" approach they used. IMO a Superman suit needs to have the red shorts. There's too much blue and makes it look like he's wearing a unitard.
  15. I don't think so. They're just trying to be dramatic and show how cooperative Superman is. I wonder what he'd done to get arrested? Lol
  16. Where do the people in Woodbury get food from??
  17. I loved DBZ when I was a kid but yes, they do drag things out a bit and it gets really annoying. I haven't watched but one or two episode of Kai but it's supposed to cut out all the fillers. Do they cut out all the unnecessary fight scenes?? I made a thread about DBZ Abridged but no one posted. Funniest thing related to DBZ. It's a must watch for DBZ fans. Not sure what to think about this new Cat God guy but I'll watch it anyways.
  18. Or maybe he's really like that in real life.
  19. This is only in the comic right??
  20. Man I hate Merle (people with his personality). Bitching and complaining about being handcuffed on the roof when he brought it upon himself for being an obnoxious redneck a-hole. Working out in the country in Georgia I've seen a few of those. That voice of his makes him even scarier than his looks and I actually know a guy that sounds exactly like him and another guy that looks like him. lol
  21. If/when the two groups confront each other, would Daryl back up Rick or his brother? Or would he stay out of the way and let them fight it out?
  22. Anyone else ever heard or seen Dragon Ball Z Abridged? It's a parody of DBZ done by a group called Team Four Star. It's freaking hilarious so if you like DBZ you'll enjoy this. It tells the story of DBZ without the stupid filler episodes and adds a lot of humor. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgxtLwDGLCQ
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