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Everything posted by badboy00z

  1. I am the only one that cheered when the little girl shot the lesbian in the head?
  2. IMO Superman has very little concern about collateral/ property damage. This is just based on the Superman and JL TAS though. He crashes through roofs when arriving to save the day and creates another hole when leaving. Remember the fight between him and Captain Marvel at Lex Corp City? Sure the buildings weren't inhabited but he still brought them down without a care in the world. I freaking love that fight scene btw. Also I just realized this now but that fight scene has a part very similar to the fight in MOS. 2:54 mark. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BJ1-trrgqc
  3. Nobody notices how fast they were able to rebuild the cities? At the end of MOS the impression that I got was that everything was fixed. Lol
  4. If he hadn't killed Zod the battle would have continued and more people would have been killed or injured. Also I highly doubt that Zod would agree to fight somewhere where there aren't people around.
  5. The White Ranger was my favorite when I was a kid. I even had a Saba toy but sadly I lost it...=( Do they determine the outcome of the fight based on the votes or what?
  6. I too dislike the VA. IMO the Justice League series had the best VA. Can't beat Tim Daly and Kevin Conroy.
  7. Anyone else think Bob (bald skinny black guy) is the one feeding rats to the walkers and is responsible for what happened at the very end? The FX on this show is so much better than any zombie B-movie.
  8. Anyone else think it's stupid that you have to login to your tv service provider to watch the full Talking Dead?? I don't have tv service...stupid AMC...
  9. Anyone else wish that animals would come back as zombies too? Lol
  10. I was a bit confused about the clip because I have seen all 3 films and don't remember such scene in any of them. I was beginning to doubt myself. lol I hope the new RoboCop moves like the original did because that was one of the things that made it memorable for me.
  11. Why do you all feel the need to be movie critics and nit pick all the time? We get that the era of really good movies are all but over so why can't we just enjoy them for what they are, entertainment? You want brilliant plot and character development go read a book. Call me a simpleton but when I go to the movies I want to enjoy it without having to think too much about every single scene and pick them apart and list all the reasons why it doesn't make sense or whatever.
  12. The original RoboCop will always be my favorite movie but this new one looks pretty cool. It looked like they even have a cameo of the original design and the new "suit" in silver looks similar to the original. I look forward to this movie.
  13. I liked the movie. My favorite scene was the fight in the hotel. Reminds me of the fight between Peter and the Chicken.
  14. The only person I can see beating Wolverine is Magneto for obvious reasons. As seen in the movies Wolverine is rendered useless against Magneto. If he really wanted to he can literally rip Wolverine's limbs and head off. Unless of course it's pre adamantium Wolverine.
  15. All the people who voted for the Predator doesn't know jack. Even if Wolverine was caught in the explosion at the end he would survive and the Predator wouldn't.
  16. Is that "Lexi Belle" as Cat Woman?? I'd love the see the behind the scenes of that short film. Lol. How would Dead Pool recover from being blown up like that? Would he just regrow everything from his head down??
  17. I didn't quite get what Viper's motive really was. I know she was helping the old man take Logan's healing for himself but why?
  18. The whole lack of blood thing was so they don't have to rate it more mature. It was mentioned in an interview I think.
  19. I think it will be hard to put the two together without first having a new Batman (movie) within the new Superman universe like what Marvel is doing. Maybe just a sequel to MOS that introduces Bruce Wayne before he becomes Batman? Not sure if that would work though. What's the age difference between the two anyways? And I personally wouldn't want yet ANOTHER Batman reboot so soon after Nolan's 3.
  20. I saw it a while back and I have to say it was lacking in both story and the acting. It was pretty to look at though.
  21. Interesting...kind of reminds me of Blood Sport and Mortal Kombat simply because of "Finish HIM!!!" lol
  22. I got mine years ago in a 2002 Honda Civic. They clocked me at 120 mph (75 zone?) and I was still pulling away. Luckily they didn't impound my car and arrest me but they could have. I think the ticket was like $426 or something like that.
  23. The game looks in-freaking-credible!! The open world concept and the freedom you get is awesome. I can't wait to see more of this!
  24. So this car, the new Vette and Viper uses pretty much the same headlight? lol It's a good looking car nonetheless.
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