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Everything posted by GodMedia

  1. If you're going to go around speculating on the faith of a character, then the criteria for determining that faith is the fundamental truths of that faith. I speak from the perspective of a Bible-carrying, Jesus-believing, Spirit-filled and Spirit led CHRISTIAN and I use that BIBLICAL definition of a CHRISTIAN to determine whether or not another person is TRULY CHRISTIAN(that is, 'truly' as defined by the Bible which, last time I checked was the ONLY TRUE MEASURE of what it means to be CHRISTIAN). If there is some other kind of Christian that is defined by something other than the Bible, I don't know about it. And, if you can't handle that there is truth that you don't want to accept then don't bring up matters of faith on an anime board. The whole purpose of discussion on this board is to share views and to learn from one another. If you don't want to learn that there are true Bible Christians, and then there are the rest of the world who hope that going by the name of Christian but living without the Bible truth they will somehow slip by and get into heaven, then don't ever get started in a religious topic. God Bless You!
  2. Whatever faith any of the characters may have had at the onset of the story had to be severely challenged by the events and discoveries surrounding the ASS-1, and the subsequent knowledge of the Zentraedi and the Protoculture. If Hikaru and Misa had been Christians, there would have been a great struggle of faith when they learned that they came not from God who made all things in accordance with Genesis 1:1. Christianity teaches what the secular world labels as "creationism" and is vinidicated by the overwhelming scientific evidence that has time and again disproved Darwinism and the whole "evolution theory." As Christians, Hikaru and Misa would have recognized that the ASS-1 and all that it brought with it to the Earth were in fact tools of Satan designed to deceive them into forsaking the one true God and the truth of His Word: the Bible. They could never have counted themselves as truly, wholly believers if they were willing to embrace so-called "realities" that were not in line with the scriptures. Max's sign of the cross at Kakizaki's death showed him to have some kind of Christian faith, but it is not clear to what extent. Even the hardest atheist will cry out, "Oh God" or "Jesus Christ" in a moment of great emotion, but it is an empty gesture without the faith behind it to give it any meaning, let alone significant power. The fact that the gestures are Christian only bears testimony of the truth of God, not that the one making the gesture is consciously aware of that truth, nor that they embrace it, nor to what degree they embrace it if they do. Since the story is fictional, it seems okay that faith in Christianity can co-exist with that which completely refutes the truth of scripture. In reality, however, the appearance of the ASS-1, et al, would be met with, at least, great skepticism by believers and, sadly, many of the more "fundamentalist" types would even come out in force to "stand against the wiles of the devil." The fact that Christians know that anything not in line with the scriptures is demonic and evil, is quite probably the impetus for the unification wars that we see in Macross Zero. World Unification, embracing of alien species and technologies, these are anti-Christian and true believers would go to nearly any lengths to combat these things. Thus, even if Hikaru, Misa, and even Max were Christian by tradition, they would not be truly Christian by definition and their faith would be more a matter of tradition than of any true conviction.
  3. I don't know how many of us around here have PPCs, but if you do, you probably realize that there is a glut when it comes to Macross-related themes available for download. If you head on over to Pocket PC Themes you can see and download some of the many Macross themes I've created and uploaded for everyone to enjoy. -GM
  4. You can search the net and find hundreds of pictures of the Mikimoto characters and of the UN Spacy fleet and craft, and even dozens of pics of Zentraedi craft (mostly screencaps from the TV show). But, I'll be darned if you can find any more than 2 or 3 images of Britai, and none of them very good. So, does anyone have any good Britai images laying around in their hard drives or on some CDs hanging around? I'm particularly looking for images from DYRL?. Line art would be good, too. Images of Exedore, Bodolza, etc. would be cool, too. -thanks, gm
  5. A while back, over a year and a half ago, Macrossworld presented a clip from a DYRL television special. It was a very 80s production with Mari Iijima singing "Angel's Paints." The file was a fair quality RealMedia video. At the time there was some note about it being a preview of something coming on Macrossworld, but I never heard any more about it. Does anyone else remember this? Does anyone have the video? I'd like to see it again, or get a copy if possible. -GM
  6. Mari and Kawamori-san! This photo is from 2002. It was probably during Kawamori's visit to AX2002.
  7. Please visit www.MariMusic.com to learn more.
  8. This image and the next are from Mari Iijima's web site. All respects to Mari and thanks to her for providing these photos. Please visit www.MariMusic.com to learn more.
  9. More fuel for the fire....
  10. Fueling the B-2 debate....
  11. The pic actually appeared in the Robotech Art 1 book and a similar picture of a Mospeada Ride Armor (Cyclone) was included with the RDF Membership kit that Harmony Gold used for it's fan club years ago. Maybe there is something to the fact that this pic from Macross, and one like it from Mospeada were both available...
  12. Thanks! That was great work with PS! I thought about "fixing" it, but I just didn't have the patience. Very cool of you. -GM PS: I've seen this pic before, without the RT and at a lower resolution. I may even have it in my files, but I'd have to dig through a pile of CDs to make sure that I'm not lying. It used to be a pretty popular Macross/RT image. The other image that was pretty popular was the one of Hikaru in the pilot seat of his Valk with the Macross taking off behind him. I once read on here, though, that that one was "created" from other pics by HG or one of it's flunkies. It'd be nice to find the sources for that image if this is true.
  13. Okay, I've looked all over the web and I can't find this pic anywhere. Can someone please point me in the right direction? I'm sure it's someplace obvious, but I just haven't found it. The copy I'm showing here is from Robotech.com, I want this pic without the RT watermark. I'd like it this resolution or better. Thanks everyone! I hope I'm not posting this in the wrong spot .
  14. WAYHECKAKEWL! I always wondered if such a design could be pulled off realworld. This will be interesting to watch. And I agree that it probably will be a bit of a bear to handle. -GM
  15. Just to let you all know that my wife and I are praying for a fantastic new year for all of you. We are a long way from LA now, but we remember all the friends we made there through this board and want the best for all of you. With Blessings, Emilio & Maria Espinosa Mr. & Mrs. GodMedia
  16. Novus Plastic Polish Not sure if this product has ever been mentioned or even tried by anyone here. I read about it on a site about restoring old computer LCD screen shields. They mentioned that polish 1 was a cleaner and polish 2 was used by their shop to remove scratches and to restore discolored plastics. Just posting it here in case anyone can use the info. -GM
  17. Folks who know how to play these Japanese games should consider putting together some kind of guides for the rest of us. I am figuring out the Macross - Remember Me game for the PC-9801, it's really kind of cool and fun, but I have no idea what a lot of stuff is that I'm sure would make it much more enjoyable. And I don't need to tell you just how mystifying those dating sims are. This is just a request of course. I know some of you don't even care about the older games. But some of us 'completionists' are into just about anything Macross and would like to get into some of these games. -GM MLS_Pilot_Screen.psd
  18. Hey all! Just wondering if anyone has ever come across any English translations of any of the old PC-9801 games from Japan? I'd like patches for the files, translation scripts, translations of the docs, or any other English-language guides to be able to play these games. -GM
  19. Just DL'd the little QTVR of the sculpt of the Toynami Alpha toy. Decided to put it here in case anyone out there wants it and doesn't have a way to DL it. Enjoy! -GM vr_poseable_vfa6.mov
  20. Here's something I modified out of the Macross Plus game (which rocks!) -GM MACROSS_PLUS.tga
  21. Why can't they just use samples for the sound? No one would have to rip open their machine for that, would they?
  22. I can also e-mail ya these in any format, including PSD or TGA with Alpha Channels if you need'em, just PM me.
  23. BTW, these are to scale (1:1) from the screenshot. I did that so that you can have them clear no matter what resolution you decide to use them in. -GM
  24. I like to pass the time sometimes by doing cut-outs of thingys from videogame screenshots (I use them for icons, avatars, and just for fun). Anyways, I got to foolin' 'roun' with the SDF Macross Arcade Game on MAME and I took a few screenshots and got this. I decided to post it in case anybody wanted to fool with these and maybe make icons, avatars, or just have fun. Enjoy! -GM
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