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I was blessed and honored and overjoyed to be able to meet Ishiguro-San at an Anime Expo about 10 years ago. He was a warm and friendly and kind gentleman who was easy to approach and very enjoyable to spend a moment with. I am very grateful to have been able to share my gratitude for Macross with him personally and very sorry to hear of his passing. My life, like so many others, has been eternally changed by his contributions.
Condolences to the Macek family at this difficult time. I have so many wonderful memories from my youth about Robotech and Macross, and I'm even a dedicated Macross fan to this day in large part because of this man and his great effort to bring Macross to the world outside of Japan. We often criticized him, even ridiculed him, but he deserves respect for what he accomplished with Robotech. A friend to us all for sure. Rest in peace Mr. Macek. All respect to you dear friend.
Condolences to the Macek family. So many lifelong memories all due in great part to the efforts of this man to expose the world to Macross. Much respect to him, may he rest in peace.
From Mari's facebook and personal web: "I am producing a Macross related single called “Ikiwoshiteru Kanjiteiru”. (“I’m breathing, I’m feeling”)The song is about “You don’t need to try so hard”. It’s hard enough and we are brave enough to live in this world each day. We’re breathing and feeling every single feeling we feel. All the historical (?!) singers who appeared on Macross (Original Macross, Macross 7 and of course Macross Frontier) sing together." Currently, Mari is finishing up production of her latest album, "Echo," I have asked her about a ballpark release for this project, but this is the first she's said about any of it that I'm aware of.
Thank you to everyone who makes MacrossWorld happen! I can't begin to tell you how greatly I have been blessed by the site and the people here. I'm the kind of person that is often outside of the loop, or so to speak. The forums keep me up to date on evertyhing I'd otherwise miss. I even got to meet Shoji Kawamori because of MacrossWorld! Again, thank you! Congratulations on 10 years! May you have a greater and longer life yet to go!
I won't be in until next Saturday, I'll be with my wife and wearing my Big Dogs Star Wars shirt. Glad to meet all the MWers. I'm sorry I dirtied up the place with a brand new thread, but I really didn't feel like getting my post lost in the other thread. This is my first trip home in a year and a half and I want to get as much done as I can while I'm there. I know that you all will understand.
Hey gang! Long time since I last posted. Haven't been able to stay up on Macross stuff too well since moving out here to Ohio. I am getting to take a very rare trip to Los Angeles in a week or so, and I am DEFINITELY going to go to F&S while I'm there. That being said, there are a couple of items I am most definitely after and I figured I'd ask you guys if any of you F&S regulars have seen them there. On my list are primarily these DVDs: Macross Zero 4 Macross Zero 5 Macross: DYRL Perfect Edition In addition to these items, I'd like to know what other items I should look forward to seeing and consider buying while I'm there. Any information anyone can share will be greatly appreciated.
Just an aside, but the roms are available at EMUAsylum and there is sound support for all of the Macross games in the most recent versions of MAME.
Maybe this is the wrong forum area, but I've been away a while so I'll just take my chances. Just watched the season finale of Stargate: Atlantis. In Stargate SG-1, we have had our first faster-than-light craft for about two seasons, the Prometheus. Now, at the end of the first season of Atlantis, we hear that a new FTL ship is on it's way to the Pegasus galaxy, it is the second such craft and has been named Daedalus. Prometheus.... ? Daedalus.... ? Just wondering... ...will the Macross be far behind?
These ship designs, among others, were also posted: I'm sorry if this is old news. If you want to see the whole story, you need to have an RT.com membership. Comment freely...
Well, I'm glad that I kept my Valk in it's original box (albeit I did it for collection purposes, not for any security reasons). I would have hated to have had any further troubles with security over an open toy. At least in the box you could see the pictures and everything that tells you that this is some kind of a toy. Again, what I found strange is that my laptops and media gear made it through without so much as the blink of an eye. That even after my wife's laptop had to be scanned twice because it is an old army surplus unit and it is made out of some kind of metal (they just asked her if it was a military model and she said yes and they let her go without any further hassles).
My wife and I just went back to Los Angeles for a visit. While we were there, we were sure not to miss a trip to Frank & Sons where I picked up one of those cool GBP-1S Valkyries from Treasure Island Sports. On our return trip to Ohio, I wanted to make extra sure that my new treasure would make it back home safe and sound. Instead of packing it in my check-in luggage, I put it in my personal pack and brought it along as a carry-on item. I got to Ontario Airport and got our rental car returned, our bags all checked in and then my wife and I proceeded to the security check-in to go into the terminal. My laptop, my wife's laptop, both of our PDAs and about a half-dozen other pieces of tech (I'm a television producer by trade) made it through just fine. The guards would not let my personal pack come through, though. After a few minutes of debating amongst themselves, I was escorted to another securtiy area just outside of the terminal. The guard began asking me all kinds of questions and opening my bag at the same time. Then she asked me if there was anything in the bag that might be sharp or pointed or if there was any kind of weapon or explosive in the bag. I said, no, that all I was carrying was a robot toy from Japan that I was taking home and to please be careful with it as it was pretty expensive and a bit delicate. Really carefully, the lady brought the box with the GBP-1S out of the bag. She must have turned that box around over and over about three or four times and looked really carefully through the plastic window. After about 10 minutes and a short consultation with another guard the lady must have figured that it was indeed a toy robot of some sort or, at least that, whatever it was, I couldn't use it to try and hijack the plane in any way and they finally let me go with my pack and Valk to get on my plane to go home. Gratefully, the security guards never even tried to open the box. I would have been a bit upset if they had opened it as they might have damaged it. If they had damaged it, I know that I would have definitely been upset. The Valk and it's box are sitting happily on my shelf in my home in Ohio with my other Macross toys. Strange what we endure these days as a result of those psychos who caused so much pain on 9/11, but I'm happy to have endured that bit of confusion with the guards to know I'm safe and every other air traveler is safer today.
Just out of curiosity, why does every bad drawing of a Valkyrie suddenly have to be a whole new model series with officially sanctioned production histories and the blessings of the great Kawamori himself? I'm not dogging anyone, but really, it is really confusing and a bit frustrating that just because not every drawing of a Valkyrie is exactly like some other drawing that it automatically must be some obscure model of the Valyrie. To me the picture on the cover of that book just looks like a bad drawing of a plain old VF-1S. Maybe there's more in the book that I don't know about? What's the deal?
I am sure if I saw an animated mouse wearing sombrero and started asking people if he was Speedy Gonzalez I'm bound to piss off no more than a few Mexicans. Speaking as a Mexican, the idea of Speedy Gonzalez is offensive enough. I, however, fail to see how thinking that the little girl in the picture is some kind of a Minmay reference is in any way supposed to be insulting to anyone. I was half-hoping that it was indeed another Gainax tribute to Minmay, but I also realized that it could have just been a random coincidence. If you're trying to say that I was just doing one of those "All those (insert native peoples group name here) look alike to me" then you really did misunderstand me. All I was doing was exercising a little imagination and having a sense of humor about what could have remotely been intended to be a tribute to a character from Macross, having a good laugh over the similarity to Minmay even if it wasn't intentional. I'd probably have just as good a laugh over a mouse with a sombrero if it kind of looked like Speedy to me. Am I the only one out here who ever got a kick out of those potatoes that look like famous people, or dogs that resemble their owners, or how Macross looks like Mobile Suit Gundam? Just an FYI, Speedy Gonzalez is in no way some kind of national hero to the Mexican peoples. The last thing we ever needed was for the world to think of us as mere thieves living by our simple-minded wits and our skills at outsmarting the so-called superior peoples who surround us. Speedy Gonzalez is an icon of the ignorance of the rest of the world about Mexico and it's people that creates negative stereotypes about us.
Princess Maker doesn't have anything to do with Minmay or Macross, except maybe for that picture that I think looks like Minmay. From Home of the Underdogs: One of the most unique and compelling games ever made, Princess Maker 2 is an excellent ?life simulation? from Gainax, and the only game in the Princess Maker series to have been translated into English. As to what the game is exactly, MobyGames says it better than I could: "Raise a daughter from childhood into adulthood. Your actions determine whether she will live or die, and what she will become. You can have her enter school, seek adventure in the wilderness, get a part-time job, break into high society, or any of many other possibilities. 74 Unique endings. A very different kind of game." What makes Princess Maker 2 a lot of fun is the sheer amount of options and actions you can do, which result in seemingly unlimited range of personalities your (adopted) daughter grows up to be. Although you are limited to raising her from age 10 to 18, everything you do will influence how the child will grow up. You first choose your daughter?s name, your age, both birthdates, and her blood type. Then you will decide on a detailed routine of her daily life, from schooling and hobbies, to how you want her to react to different people she will meet throughout the game. There are many surprises and random events to ensure that no two games are alike. With many factors that affect your daughter?s character, the game?s replayability is astounding, and the 70+ endings will keep you hooked for months on end. Two thumbs up, way up! The game is a 1996 Gainax production and pretty fun. You can raise your daughter to be a housewife, a princess, even a bondage maiden.
Just a Chinese girl, eh? Too bad. I still think she looks a lot like Minmay. A little imagination and a sense of humor folks. Not everything has to be so stinking precise. It was just supposed to be fun.
Is that Minmay enjoying a bite to eat at the local restaurant? Found this funny little pic while playing Princess Maker 2. When you send your daughter to work in the town restaurant, this pic shows up. The hair and dress are right for that to be Minmay, only that Minmay wore that dress while SHE was WORKING in her family's restaurant, not just to go to one. Anyways, Princess Maker is by Gainax and can be downloaded over at Home of the Underdogs in case anyone wants to give it a spin. It runs on DOS and works just fine in WinXPs command line mode. -SL8Z!
Have played the game, and it pretty well sucks. While there is an interesting title animation that shows a Valkyrie running in Battroid, jumping a ledge in Gerwalk, and then going into Fighter mode (not very exciting, don't let the description fool you), in the game itself you only play in Fighter mode. The game consists of you in Fighter mode at the bottom of the screen. The gameplay is basically like Centipede, you move around the bottom of the screen - left and right and up and down in the lower third of the playfield. At the top of the screen is something that must be some kind of Zentran mothership that does not react when fired at, it appears to release a bunch of what I can only guess are supposed to be battlepods but they are shaped very weirdly. You shoot up all the "battlepods" and then the "mothership" does something that makes it look like PacMan for a moment and after that more of the "battlepods" show up and you start the fight all over again. I played for about 10 or 15 minutes and never saw any difference in the gameplay, and the graphics were all pretty bad. Even by 1980s (read VCS-era and type) standards this is pretty bad, it looks bad. The gameplay is not very smooth and the firing is very inaccurate. A definite must only for the completist in my opinion, it's not a very cool game.
This one? macross.zip
Here is the ROM for the Emerson Arcadia MACROSS game! It is spoken of in legend, but seems no one has ever seen it. Enjoy. (Plays on the MESS emulator) macross.zip
Hehehehe! After a long hiatus from the boards, I'm glad to return for a quick note about this: AtariAge Forums Post All you real old-schoolers out there with emulators should appreciate this little PD offering for the VCS! -SL8Z!
I half expected to see someone burning bibles or something (and I got my smores kit out for nothing...). Is that supposed to be funny? Is it just someone having a good time? It is offensive to those who know what it is like to be persecuted for their faith. Millions of Jews, Christians, and Muslims have died and are dying even now all around the world when people who laugh at their faith are allowed to openly mock and attack their beliefs. Look at South Africa and the Middle East today. Look at Germany and it's Axis in the Second World War. Look at the just recently fallen Soviet Union. This isn't funny or just having fun to some people, and yet anyone here can say whatever they want as a joke about people's faith, but if those people say anything in defense of their beliefs they are suddenly stupid and ignorant and close-minded. All religion must be banned on these boards, period, even my board nickname which I will change once this issue is resolved.
It has long been stated that religious topics of any form will not be tolerated on the forums. As religion and any mention of religion is seen as being of a controversial nature due to the myriad views towards religion, this appears to be a fair and well-conceived policy. The moderators have always been quick to lock, edit, or completely delete topics dealing with religion. However, the topics they delete are often those which seriously seek to promote or to denounce religion, be it a specific faith or faith in general. What appears to continually be allowed on the forums are those topics that openly mock faith and/or the elements of faith. If we are going to have a forum that is truly free of all religion, then all topics that mention religion in any manner must be banned. This must include those topics that make fun of religion, or that can be deemed as insulting by members of a given religion. I am sure that among the various members of MacrossWorld there are a good amount of Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Agnostics, Atheists, Christians, and those who really don't care about religion in any manner at all. That being the case, it is unfair to any of these groups to make light of their beliefs, or lack of beliefs. This being said, I call for better policing of the forums when it comes to anything even remotely related to any faith. We are here to discuss an anime, not the eternal truths of the universe, and we do not need to mention anything for, against, or in jest of any other person's faith in order to discuss that anime. This is MacrossWorld, and it should remain about Macross. -Emilio Espinosa
Thank you Shawn, Graham, and Moderators of MacrossWorld.com and its forums for allowing me to have an avatar and a signature that reflect my faith, and for allowing me to at least defend my faith when it has come under attack. You all know that I have never proselytized, evangelized, or otherwised attempted to force my views on anyone here, and that will always be the case. I don't want to come here to make converts, I want to learn about what's happening with Macross. I'm sorry that so many on this board can't handle religion in any form, as if the mere mention of if were an offense to them. For this reason, I stay away from sparking any kind of talk on any topic of a religious manner. Unfortunately, others see fit to start discussions about spiritual matters, and quite often do so without the knowledge that some of us have very strong faith concerning the very things they are discussing. I believe that for that reason, any discussion of faith-based matters should automatically be locked on this website. I must admit, for the record, that such topics have generally been few and far between. This has been good. However, each time that such discussions do arise, they seem to, inevitably, end up badly. Often this makes for an inappropriate use of this websites resources when we could all be enjoying much lighter discussion on any number of other topics. I would like to ask that any religious topics of any form be immediately locked by the moderators as quickly as possible so as to avoid any issues in the future. People all believe what they want, and they believe in varying degrees. It is not right for the firm believer, nor for the casual believer, to allow any discussion that may lead to someone saying something that challenges what they believe, particularly when so many are unwilling to simply hear another person's viewpoint but feel that they must attack any viewpoint that does not agree with their own. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter.
Will somebody please lock this thread already?