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Everything posted by Abombz!!

  1. But really.... unless you plan on making a battle scene of some kind.... a nosecone would be kind of useless.
  2. Okay, maybe JUST MAYBE you have a point. I'm still going to argue with you Vostok 7 Bah! You stubborn sukebe! <_<
  3. No. Some ISPs have shared IPs... so if you ban one, you ban everyone that uses that ISP. Example... AOL, everyone has the same IP. I think the mods simply blocked the members from using the boards.
  4. True it might be an idea to ask one of the garage kit makers on the board to make them Hybridchild That shouldn't be too hard. As for the detachable nose cone.... now that would be tougher.
  5. Regardless.... I clearly stated.... "It is bad, don't get it!!" and you said it was too late.
  6. What worries me more is that some of them might use alternate usernames to cause trouble. I can think of a few usernames they could use. <_< P.S. Major... how are you handling now that the forum doesn't indicate if the post was edited or not?
  7. Don't push it boy! <_<
  8. And once again.... I summon the almighty...... I told you so!!!!
  9. They are cool.... but too muhc of collectors extras... I don't think Yamato is into that. <_
  10. Nothing ever arrived broken to me... its just that my packages seemed to have been handled like Ace Ventura did in the beginning of his first movie. <_
  11. One thing though.... is it just me, or does it seem like the ppl who work at EMS play soccer with our packages? Damn those things arrive all beat up and stuff. <_
  12. That would be the ultimate dishonor... Wrylac or BOK usurping Abombz moniker! Now that you guys mention it.... I can think of a a certain "vacant" username the trolls could use to start trouble... and I bet so can most of you. <_<
  13. G Gundam is 100times better then Wing and Seed.... I will give it that much credit.
  14. Perhaps we should worry about it when anything new surfaces. And besides, all the legal battle was pretty much over, all that was missing was both sides make their moves. <_
  15. bsu... you forget that everyone that was banned.... is now unbanned, at least for a while. <_
  16. lol... we might as well wish for a fully automatically transformable toy while we are at it.
  17. No kidding. Look at this one: They didn't even bother designing some kind of transformation for it. It's just a Gundam wearing a giant fish costume. In the immortal words of Ms. Krabapple.... "Pretty lame, Milhouse." Yeah.... G GUndam is house of some the lamest mech designs in history. But then again.... Okawara seems to be master of that.
  18. If we are going to bring crap into this forum.... we might as well bring the longest thread.... as it was half way useful, unlike that damn debate thread.
  19. Now.... this is what I call a fricking must buy!!! About time too!!
  20. Only the God Gundam looks good. Everything else seems to have been designed in a bathroom or something. <_< Talk about brain farts.
  21. Easy! Just threaten to take MW off the air again.... and you will see how fast skins will start to pop up. Or perhaps we could have an official MW forum skin competition or something.
  22. Awsome! Once I finish GTO and get the Kare Kano boxset... Excel Saga shall be mine!! Thanks a bunch.
  23. YOu know what? Maybe we should go nuts now... there are no mods yet.
  24. It depends one how much you enjoy fighting anime and its basic plot cliches. If you do, they you will enjoy G Gundam. If you don't, stay as far from it as possible.
  25. No need to. You can now host avatars straight from your PC.
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