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Everything posted by Abombz!!

  1. I'm surprised it help up after the first viewing to you. <_<
  2. SD Gundam is already 100times better then most animes out there, and its a satire, imagine when they put effort into a Gundam show.
  3. Abombz!!

    Meeting with yamato

    Please, endulge me.... how is re-painting a existing valk grey unique? And if I'm not mistaken, its a real life color scheme.... and you still consider it to be unique? <_<
  4. They... most likely the legs weren't strong enough to carry the weight of the destroid, so the wheels would help to move it around, while leg movements would be used for smaller movements, such as correcting aim or something.
  5. Very Armored Core like.... not that theres anything wrong with that. As a matter of fact, it seems to be the best looking destroid to grace a Macross animation to date, eventhough I'm not a big fan of robots with chicken legs.
  6. alot of poo.
  7. I printed out the main forum page and stuck it to my fridge door.
  8. And... once again... the Feds are getting their arsses kicked.
  9. *cough* I seem to remember you ranting several times how awful Gasaraki was because of the damn ugly TA's. Yeah... but I never said that was the reason why I didn't like the show. <_<
  10. The Turn A Gundam is far from ugly. I can name many MSs that are far uglier then it: all Titans MAs, all Seed MSs, most of Axis MAs, just about every Zancare Empire MSs, the Zakus, Goufs, Zeon Aquatic MSs. All those are from successful shows, claiming that you don't want to watch the show because the MS is too ugly is a very poor excuse.
  11. My DVD drive is R4 only. Its tough to fish for screen caps otherwise.
  12. Sounds like everyone is happy.
  13. I'm me. Remember me? The user with identity problems? Back from vacation, 4 weeks with no posts, and about to go into MW vacation untill the end of the year. Got to cut back on the addiction. Hope you guys miss me.
  14. JsARCHLIGHT II: The revenge
  15. Its been brought up before..... check the feedback section... theres a thread about it.
  16. Znes is the best SNES emulator.
  17. Yes. Nope.... I like it too.
  18. Its not working properly just yet.
  19. It makes me want to punch people in the face! Now... that isn't nice, is it?
  20. Ugly?!?! Orange and Tan look great together!!!! B) Yeah.... very very ugly. It was the reason I almost didn't watch Macross. <_<
  21. Like I said... you can always ask. And how much of a hassle is it anyways? To change one members post count? <_
  22. You could always ask for the mods to bump your post count. But then you would have like 3000 posts perday.... and that would attract alot of unwanted attention. <_<
  23. Whoa whoa whoa... let's not knock Tequila Gundam. That would be one of the better designs for the shows. And thats pretty sad.
  24. He will have to do that manually and that will be a pain for the Mods. He did say he would a few pages back. Honestly... I find that a waste of time. <_<
  25. Shawn said he would get around to changing the post counts.
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