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Everything posted by Abombz!!

  1. [Han]Shut up, Goldenrod!![/Han]
  2. Whats the deal with the highlighting pack? I dled a while ago... but never got it to work. What does it do exactly?
  3. Well... they did explain the whole magic thing in Macross 7. But due to the Macross track record, it was really hard to swallow. Add that to ugly mechs, terrible writing, and extreme recycled animation, and you get "magical music" that is even harder to swallow. <_<
  4. Well, not necessarily DBZ then, although the timing does still allow for it. DBZ was just (then) the latest in a line of "Suppa Fighting" shows. Not the latest.... the last. DBZ was the last of the Suppa Fighta shows.
  5. Who the heck owns the DYRL license outside Japan? Wasn't there an official US release of DYRL? What happened to that?
  6. Because thats what Kawamori intended in the first place, but never got around to doing it in SDF Macross. In Macross 2, the song was still used as culture shock. Only the emulators singing was using as some sort of battle cry for the Zentradi. Macross 7 was the one that turned music into magic, with all that Anima Spiritia nonsense. <_<
  7. I don't see how DBZ would be any influence on G Gundam... simply because back then, DBGT was already on the air, and it was failing miserably. As for Bandai forcing G Gundam on the staff.... that doesn't sound too farfetched. I guess they got tired of old man Tomino and decided to go their own way with Gundam, making something completly original (or was it?). I guess what they were looking for was a show that could set the stage for a completly new line of shows.... and G GUndam probably didn't appeal the staff as much as Bandai hoped. Apparently Seed has..... and thats bad news. <_<
  8. My first Yamato was a 1/60 1S I stumbled across when browsing through NCSX.com. Back then I had no clue what die cast meant, so I wasn't really sure what I was buying. And they didn't even say whether it was transformable or not. So I bit the bullet, and bought it for $65. It turned out to be a pretty damn good toy, my only gripe was that it felt so fragile on my hands that I was afraid of even transforming it (for some reason, the legs where stuck in fighter mode way too tight). I did end up transforming it later... and it was love at first sight. The 1s is the only VF I really like.... so I'm contemplating getting the Hikaru 1s or not.
  9. I always thought he simply cracked the Zent helmet and the pilot suffered of explosive decompression. <_
  10. Well, Judo didn't need a mentor, because he can evolve from an ape to Amuro to Camille to himself. lol.... I never got that intro. I guess having random squences in an intro must make it cool or something.
  11. The mentor thing doesn't always work..... Amuro didn't have a mentor. Camiles mentor, Quatro, didn't die untill the end. Judo didn't have a mentor.... and so on. I think you have been watching that episode when Roy dies too much, bsu. B)
  12. I think so too.....I'd love to see MORE destroids aiding the Skull Squadron in the rest of the Macross Zero OVA's. The only time we see Destroids in DYRL they were getting pasted by various Zentradi mechs. A Monster did cut a Zentradi heavy fighter in half in the beginning of the movie. Plus we see a bunch of them unloading missile salvos inside Bodolzas fortress.... they did get enough of glorious screen time.
  13. Yes....I sure have rermembered the whining. Or perhaps I just blocked it out? If you have.... you must teach me how to!! This way.,... I will be able to expand my anime horizons over whine heavy anime.
  14. There are no variable destroids or GPB Armor. Its just Macross Zero Destroid. Just look at the pic Graham posted on another thread.
  15. Thats interesting. But wouldn't a MS be way too big for the game? Will the enhine handle something so massive?
  16. Yes, that was part of it as I recall. There was Kou, so full of promise and so eager to excell. Run Kou, run after Nina and prove yourself. And Gato...you'd make him respect you, wouldn't you Kou? Ah well, nice mecha though. You forgot to say..... whine Kou! Whine like no other anime character ever has. Too bad they had to kill Burning. I still suspect it was a plot created by Kou, because Burning was planning on upstaging Kou, stealing the GP01 and flying away with Nina.
  17. When I first a pic of the 1/48.... I thought I was going to have heart attack. When I first handled it.... I thought I was going to puke. I am waiting for the 1J to change my views on the toy line.
  18. And worst of all, the Wingers and Poki Go Beyblade kiddies will eat it up. Dark times are ahead, methinks. Perhaps it's better that the Gundam forums are all gone after all. What? You don't think old Gundam fans can stand kindergarden kids invading their forums to talk about collectable SD Gundam cards?
  19. Thats why I said the legs couldn't probably stand the weight of the mech just yet.... hence the use of wheels. <_< For all we know.... it could've been slapt together with spare parts of other destroids.
  20. I'm surprised it help up after the first viewing to you. The openings are catchy Ok... good reason. I suppose if I use it too... I will be able to sit through 1 episode of Seed without puking my guts.
  21. And I can just imagine how trite and childish the new North American SD show will be. Pokegundam, anyone? Yu Gi Gundam? Why is it going to be childish? Simply because it is going to have an annoying hyper kid in the cast. And besides.... without making fun of itself.... SD Gundam isn't SD Gundam.
  22. No one has figured out how to add custom member titles, yet. They are there, as it is listed in the member profile page.
  23. He probably didn't build them all alone. And after then 200th model... he probably figured out a method of building Zakus faster.
  24. I suppose short post lengths are meant to keep MW rant free.
  25. That ain't the username I'm talking about. <_
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