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Everything posted by Abombz!!

  1. It was a joke Vostok 7 For someone who claims to not care about it.... you sure as hell like to joke about it alot.
  2. Don't even go there again with the monsters thing And frankly, I could care less if you change your mind about anything. Vostok 7 If you don't care.... then stop commenting on it!!!
  3. You and your demons and zombies and stuff. lol you change your mind as often as you change your underwear Vostok 7 I'm sorry if I'm not weak hearted or some crap like that. I find shooting ppl to be the silliest thing to put in a game. At least Return to Castle Wolfenstein you didn't shoot ppl.... you shoot Nazis. And besides... as long as its my money thats going to be used to get me a copy.... I'm going to change my mind as mine times as I damn well want.
  4. Hmmmm.... sounds better already. Theres still the hole "5CDs" deal though. Specially if they go about it like they did in XIII.... and considering this is Ubi again... I'm 100% sure they are going to make us switch CDs at every loading time, for the sake of copy protection.
  5. And sometimes the trailers tell the ENTIRE story of the movie they're advertising. Thus saving me the trouble of ever watching the piece of dreck. Looks at it this way.... at least you don't live in a piece of crap country were the footage they show doesn't match what the narrator is saying. And the movie they are previewing isn't going to be release for another 4 or so years. I swear.... for almost 7 years, every single movie they showed here had the trailer to Scream 2. Took them 7 years to release that crap here.
  6. I'm passing on Far Cry. I can't seem to get a decent performance out of this game... and I don't need yet another 5 CDs laying around just because the producers were too damn stupid to shove the code in a single, neat DVD. And to be honest.... without demons, monsters, zombies or all that kind of crap... this game seriously doesn't appeal me one bit. If I wanted to watch humans shoot humans I would watch a movie. I'm getting Armed and Dangerous, and Painkiller instead.
  7. freshly laid eggs also means someone kept the fridge door closed.
  8. Its not... because ppl will eventually get the DVD.
  9. CROM laughs at your iritations. Crom sure is a jolly fellow for a god with only one worshipper. CROM is interested in quality not quantity. Thats an oxymoron then.
  10. One can only hope for some hot steamy Alien and predator to liven up yet another bad cross over movie. Freddy vs Jason lacked that... along with a coherent plot and good actors. EDIT: analyzing the trailer... there are a few things I like. 1-the predator in the trailer looked quit cool without its mask. 2- they seem to have redesigned the Aliens, and the CG aliens seem to be much better then the CG aliens in Resurrection, and they seem to have made them a bit more like the original alien then the aliens in Aliens. 1 thing I disliked.... no Queen?
  11. Seems like it had the reverse effect then.... A0 seems to be more pissed at the ppl who made the commercial then the ppl who file share. I think most people will have that reaction. What were they expecting? Ppl to leave the room, grab pitch forks, torches and go hunt file sharers down?
  12. Abombz!!, I gotta give you this one; that pretty much sums it up. Truly sophisti-funk! And I know this has nothing to do with your arguement, but I have to mention it because you felt shocked that there were many late-20 people that ARE still fans (yikes, nice run on)... But don't underestimate how many MACROSS fans stayed MACROSS fans until this day. You're not giving it enough credit. That movie/series sticks with you like your first girlfriend! It's forever my fiancée! I'm not shocked at all.... my dad is 38... and he is a Macross fan. And he watched it back in 1982 during its first run in Japan. Does he still like it because the story was good? No. Because the characters were interesting? No. He is still a fan because he find the mechanical designs to be the outstanding. Most ppl who watched Macross with him back in the day.... laugh at him everytime he says he still likes it. And besides... I have been in MW for 2 years now.... I have a clear idea of the age range in this place. That still doesn't reflect the age range of the japanese fandom.
  13. They should be pissed because the industry wants them to be pissed. This is nothing more than a cattle-car push to make the audience correct the problem the industry does not want to deal with. Oops I just let my personal views on this slip out! Yes... brainwashing is always the answer.
  14. IGN had the game review from Famitsu on their Gaming Life in Japan feature.
  15. Macross Plus and 0 were never brought into this because they are not nearly as popular as the original show. I never said they were meant for 12 year olds because that would be silly. They are not model like... by any stretch of imagination. It still doesn't change the fact that very few japanese fans are loyal to a show. Most of them move on to greener pastures after the show is done. To base toy sales on a demographic that will probably not be there, interested in toys, or willing to pay said price, is insane at best.
  16. And why should they be pissed anyways? If kids want to download movies, which look like complete ass, and watch them in 15" monitors... let them. When you pay $8 or whatever bucks... you are not paying for just the movie viewing... you are paying to watch it in a room with a big ass screen and good sound system. No everyone can afford a good TV with a nice surround sound system.
  17. Seems like it had the reverse effect then.... A0 seems to be more pissed at the ppl who made the commercial then the ppl who file share.
  18. They are not. They have completly different facial bone structure.
  19. I would like to think my years of consumer market research in business school would give some merrit to my opinion... Or maybe the fact that I get paid for my marketing opinions, as that is what I do for a living, or it could be discussions I have had with individuals in the collector toy industry. I'm well aware of that.... but "rules of engagement" don't always apply. Why would Yamato undercut their profit by limiting themselves at what may be a large part of the fandom or may be 1% of the fandom? Just because the toys are expensive, doesn't mean they are targeting them to ppl who can easily afford them. They are toys for ppl who will buy them based on their liking the series... not on their budget. You ppl seem to forget 2 basic things: japanese anime fans move on. And I don't mean 10 or 20 years later... I mean the next week. Just because Macross was a huge hit back in 1982, doesn't mean everyone who watched it back then will by the toys. Second, you also forget that Macross was not broadcast only once.... it was broadcast again a few years later, and must have been available in different formats. Meaning younger fans joined the fandom while older fans might have quit. Remember.... this is 20 years after, not 1 or 2. How many fans can survive the test of time? Specially in japan? Once again... age was not a variable in this equation.... they simply made the best toy they could, for ppl who would want to buy them. Whats next? You are going to tell me Hasegawa models main target are kindergarden children because they cost $15?
  20. Right.... but it wishful thinking and bad business decision to do that. Why? Because they would be expecting ppl at that age to just be consumer-whores and buy the toys for the simple novelty of being macross toys. It isn't BAD business... Its ALL business, thats just the way marketing works. And I'm telling you... thats not the way Yamato went about it!!! No way in hell the average Macross fan age is 25-30. I'm not saying that Yamato decided that ALL Macross fans were 25-30... They decided they were going to target Macross fans who were 25-30 (or lets say 30+). Who said thats their target? You are basing your argument on a wild assumption. Theres no proof that the ages of 25 to 30 are yamatos target audience. Simply because there are as many 25-30 ppl who complain about the price as there are early 20 fans who don't complain at all. With all due respect abomb, the 25-30 age group is the primary market. The height of Macross' (original series) popularity was when that age group were kids. It's not the only group of fans, but they are the primary market group. Anyway, it's just business. A huge Majority of businesses (if not all) work pretty much the way agent one explained. They all designate target markets and ALL decisions are made based on it. Again, the 25-30 age group isn't the only group... but it's definitely the primary. Anyways, right or wrong, this is a stupid topic to argue about... peace people With all due respect.... how do you base that? On the assuption that 90% of the fans are those who watched the show back in 1982?
  21. What's suprised have to do with anything. Vostok 7 Just look at her!!!! And I see no camel toe... so she is either a girl or a neutered(sp) man.
  22. You sure that's not the same woman without the wig? Nah... she is just surprised..... or really high.... or just had a pretty bad hangover.
  23. In Brazil... they used to show Mr Bee episodes before movies..... they were usually more entertaining then the movies themselves. As for the whole filesharing BS.... they only do it because the ppl they are trying to reach just won't listen. So everyone else gets to pay the price.
  24. Right.... but it wishful thinking and bad business decision to do that. Why? Because they would be expecting ppl at that age to just be consumer-whores and buy the toys for the simple novelty of being macross toys. It isn't BAD business... Its ALL business, thats just the way marketing works. And I'm telling you... thats not the way Yamato went about it!!! No way in hell the average Macross fan age is 25-30. I'm not saying that Yamato decided that ALL Macross fans were 25-30... They decided they were going to target Macross fans who were 25-30 (or lets say 30+). Who said thats their target? You are basing your argument on a wild assumption. Theres no proof that the ages of 25 to 30 are yamatos target audience. Simply because there are as many 25-30 ppl who complain about the price as there are early 20 fans who don't complain at all.
  25. Actually.... I like to think it follows the Super Robot formula. You have the VF1A... the lame and ugly fighter, for crappy pilots who die every episode for out entertainment. Then you have the VF1J.... the super robot of the show. Reserved for the main character only, how did he get it? Not important. Its superior to the 1a, and you will see it alot. Then you have the super super robot, aka the VF1S, the one piloted by someone related to the main character. He is cool, and he has the skills. But unfortunately, because of bastard story writers, they axe the cool pilot just so the lame main character can have the super super robot. Then you also have the talented cannon fodder, who later ends up getting a mass produced version of the super robot, to fight the greater evil, along side the lame main character and the super super robot. the end PS yes... this was the result of alot of booze.
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