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Everything posted by Abombz!!

  1. Anyone care to tell me whats it about? <_
  2. (that new destroid on Mac Zero)
  3. first double post of the new boards!!
  4. Interesting... perhpas I should persue this horror.
  5. I would do that... plus a few drinks to sit though Eps 1 and 2. B)
  6. Thats way beyond the usual 20% difference.
  7. What, the same black hole that currently contains the infamous Holiday Special? No! The one with the Droids animated series.
  8. My thoughts exactly!!
  9. . Of course, 200 of those are mine YOU WIN THE PRIZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.... see my sig. LOL... that was soooooo mean!
  10. Damn right! We need some cool skins.... I'm tired of the Invision snow skin.... it looks more like ash. <_
  11. For the record, I'm more a Jehuty than a Mac0 Destroid :lol: Vostok 7 Thats one heck of a huge TMI Vostok!!
  12. ROFL!! ZOE disturbs me somehow because of that... Vostok 7 What? Just because it goes up when in flight mode?
  13. I think so too.....I'd love to see MORE destroids aiding the Skull Squadron in the rest of the Macross Zero OVA's. The only time we see Destroids in DYRL they were getting pasted by various Zentradi mechs. The destroids kicked butt on a few occassions, but mostly they get blown to pieces. But no more than the Valkyries do in many an episode. Still, the MkII Monster seems to get all the glory. It's shown blowing the heck out of everything throughout the entire series. In fact, I think it gets shot once, but is repaired for the next episode. I just think that the destroids get forgotten all the time. Especially in any debate about which mecha is better, they seem to be quickly dismissed. But they are a very essential part of the UN Spacy's combined arms. They are the reason the SDF Macross had the most potent defense of any capital ship in Space War One. The Destroids were there mainly because the SDF1 and other ships didn't have strong enough gun turrets on the hull. So the Destroids served as mobile gun emplacements.
  14. I wouldn't mind a toy rendition of that AC Macross Zero destroid.
  15. He is way too busy with School,his band,possible recording contract. He is one busy guy. Well.... at least one of us has a life. <_<
  16. Why not? That idea is much better then half the crap he comes up with for his new movies.
  17. If you think thats bad.... perhaps you should go play Zone of Enders.... now thats what I call cockpits. <_<
  18. Talking about the longest thread.... what happened to AidanK?
  19. Message to George Lucas.... Something like this is perfect to throw into that giant black hole of continuity! Vostok 7 LOL.... thats Luke and Maras kid... who ran into a blackhole and ended up on earth.
  20. I doubt it. The G4 and G5 are already going to be in.... unless they plan on putting the Sentinel FA RX78.... I don't see why they would put it in.
  21. Message to George Lucas.... this is the kind of crap I want as extra on my SW Saga DVD!! B)
  22. Well... whats the point if you can't have a MS batalion? It was never about foot soldiers. Theres no point in calling it a GUndam mod if you can't have many MSs.
  23. And maybe they should fix how the MS react to a bazooka shot. Seriously... it was a pain to fight DOMs and their stupid bazookas. <_
  24. So it can handle it? But how will the map adapt to it? How will a smaller made handle something that could cross it in a few seconds? <_
  25. I'm kind of worried that we haven't seen any gameplay movies for it, and its due out in a few months.
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